Manifestation: New Moon Abundance

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Hello my dear Hive family! I hope you're having a wonderful day today.
It's been a while since I've written a Manifestation post, so I thought it's about time again. Most of you know that I've been busy with the move to our new house.
But I've also been busy doing a few other things, and then there have been a few issues. Nothing that can't be solved but it all takes work and time.
It's all good!



Today (mostly tonight for our parts of the world) is the Full Moon. Here in Mexico we can expect the New Moon to start around 9.30 p.m. but it will be different in other parts of the world.

So tonight, or within the next 24-48 hours or so, it's the perfect time to do some work to attract more abundance into your life.
Nothing is too crazy, so if it's more wealth you wish for, you can. More health? More love? Or all of the above? You got it!
There are a few different things you can do on this new moon but I'd like to talk about one that works perfectly in every situation. So let's dive in right away!


The New Moon Abundance Check

This abundance check has been around, and has been used by many throughout the ages. However, it's been brought into the limelight by no other than actor Jim Carey.
In an interview with Oprah Winfrey, he told her about believing in the Law of Attraction, and how he, as a struggling actor, wrote himself a 10 million dollar check for acting services, kept it, and a few years later saw this money being realized when he was casted for Dumb and Dumber.


He is not the only celebrity who knows the secrets of the Law of Attraction, trust me, they all know. That's how they got where they are now. Well, that and a few other things but we won't get into that right now...

So below, you will find a template of a check you can use but you can also make your own, draw one, or use one you already have.

The idea is the same and you will do the same with each one.

abundance check jpg.jpg


What to Write on your Check

The date: You can either put in a date somewhere in the future on which you would like to see the wished abundance being achieved. This can be next week, next month, or next year. Whatever you feel is right.
NOTHING is impossible so dream big!

Personally, I like to fill out NOW where they ask for the date.
Then for name, you fill out your own name.


The memo you can leave open, or you can put in a specific amount, or wish. If it's health, then put that there, if it's love then fill out love. If it's 100, 1000, or 10,000 dollars...fill this out. If you do this for the first time, you may want to fill out a number you feel comfortable with receiving, and then next time you can make the amount higher.

On the BACK of the check, you sign your name, as if you are bringing it to the bank to cash out.

On the right, where you'd usually have the signature, I have the following:

abundance symbols.jpg


I put this on the check, you can use it this way too if you like.
The symbols are abundance symbols to give it some extra power.
So my check would look something like this:

law of abundance.jpg

I personally like to fill all of it out by hand because it gives the universe a sign that it's your personal thing.

Now, you can place the check in a drawer, in your wallet, or hang it up where you'll be seeing it every day, like your vision board.
But the most important thing about it is that you forget about it!
Just let it go, let the universe take care of it.


Then, during the FULL moon, you can release the check and burn it while thanking the universe, or you can hold on to it till the next new moon when you write new checks. I prefer to burn it during full moon.

Remember to be grateful and not to think about where this new found abundance will come from.

That's all you need to do!

If you're planning to do this tonight, let me know next month how things worked out for you!

And now I will make mine, and will keep you updated!


To catch up on the previous posts on the Manifestation series, check here:


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  • My photo(s) are my own, or were sourced on and edited by me on
    or in Canva Pro.
  • Page dividers created in Canva Pro, with images from Canva.

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