Are you S.A.D.? #challenge30days (16/30) - blogging/meditatione

By S.A.D. i am not talking about the emotion, but rather referencing to the diet. The Standard American Diet.

What is this standard american diet? Well, this is what the western world generally feeds on. Not only the U.S. but more so the entire west, heck maybe even world is developing unhealthy eating habits, and we are beginning to reap the rewards...

Sickness, obesity, fatigue, nausea are are just some of the causes of eating the S.A.D.

But what is S.A.D.?

In the last 40-60 the way we consume food has drastically changed. There is rarely any cooking going on, veggies are a scarcity and fresh fruits are off the radar. But in exchange, the diet is loaded with high sugar, high fat and processed foods.

Wow, i wonder if that's good for us?

Just kidding... I am thoroughly convinced, that this diet is responsible for the majority of the health issues we are facing to date.

What the S.A.D. consists of (percentage of calories):

  • 60% processed food
  • 30% meat
  • 5% Starchy foods (potatoes for example)
  • 5% veggies

I wont argue that fast food or processed food is bad in general, but our bodies are most certainly not capable to handle the vast amount we are consuming.

Therefore, try switching it up. For example one could use following composition:

  • 50% Veggies
  • 15% Processed
  • 15% Starchy foods
  • 20% meat

This seams way more balanced, doesn't it? And there is even a documentary where some guys do a full fledged 100% fruit and veggie juice diet:

Really do recommend watching it, though i don't think going full bananas is really that sustainable. Nonetheless, it IS quite entertaining and definitely well produced.

Thanks for reading & stay healthy :)

This is part (16) of the 30 days writing challenge by @dragosroua. I combined this with a mindfulness challenge. My goal with this is to improve writing & english skills as well as becoming more self aware.

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