Designing The Ideal Office: Ergonomics, Tacos and Vodka Tonics


Improve Your Office Day

Today, it's Improve Your Office Day. I couldn't think of a better way to improve where you work by also observing National Ergonomics Month.

I mean, I'm a spry young guy, but I would lie if I said, "Sitting at a desk all day doesn't hurt!" It's ridiculous, to be honest. Could being seated for long periods really affect you all that much?

Unfortunately, it's true. I'm beginning to understand something I read once. 'Sitting is the new smoking.' What with remote work taking out the only activity in most office jobs, the commute, we're not moving as much as we should.

The little irony is that not moving as much, makes you not move as well as you'd like. Go figure.

But I'm not a whelp or a quitter. It may take time and effort, but there is a solution for every obstacle. Take ScienceDaily, for example. Reducing daily sitting may prevent back pain.

Much love to the Finns of the University of Turku. They showed that reducing daily sitting prevented back pain from worsening over six months.

Here's what Doctoral Researcher and Physiotherapist Jooa Norha had to say on the matter.

"Our participants were quite normal middle-aged adults, who sat a great deal, exercised little, and had gained some extra weight. These factors not only increase the risk for cardiovascular disease but also for back pain,"

It's a pity but Dr. Norha's description is beginning to describe yours truly and his partner. Now, it's not over for us, because as the good doctor explained, if you're siting a lot, you can try to figure out ways to reduce how much, during work or hanging out. It's important to keep in mind that physical activity though, beats just getting up.

We're doing our best for ergonomics and our office, by taking walks during our breaks, kicking a ball during lunch, and hopping on our little stepping machine. And my reading articles don't stop there.

I don't frequent MakeUseOf often, but I did want to make working at my desk pain-free.

I won't rewrite Jhet Borja's article, but here's the to-do list so in case you don't read it.

Make These 6 Changes to Make Desk Work Pain-Free

  1. Skip the Lumbar Support and Start Sitting Actively
  2. Get a Footrest
  3. Stand Up or Use a Treadmill
  4. Use Active Chairs
  5. Lower Your Monitor

I think I may have to get one of those desk treadmills. Eight hours at a desk is turning me into a chair, and I don't like it. You know how the saying goes. 'Move it or lose it.' I don't want to see us lose anything, if I'm honest with you.

We're definitely not missing out on tacos today, for example.


National Taco Day

It'd have been a beautiful culinary blog post to make tacos from scratch. But, these posts come close to missing the day they're intended for as it is. So, we'll patron the local Margaritas instead.

I'm not positive what Melani's getting, but as for me, I'm going to dive into a large Taco Salad.

I'm surprised by its size. Though I don't disagree with a toasted tortilla bowl filled with lettuce, cheese, corn salsa, salsa fresca, enchilada sauce and meet. I'm a natural born glutton, American that I am, so I ask for ground beef and shrimp. The shame is they skimp. I get inflation hurts margins, but 3 or 4 shrimp? It's almost a $20 salad! So I'm in it for chicken and pork tonight. Top it off with guacamole and sour cream, and I think I'm doing Taco Day right.

The reason I'm celebrating it today, is because I was blindsided by Taco Bell's push to my National Taco Day a Tuesday, by making it October 1st instead. They can have their thing; but I made cookies on the 1st. I still want my tacos.

And I threw in margaritas to go, to make this writing pop.

National Vodka Day

You think people are celebrating World Smile Day today because of the booze and Mexican food?

My margaritas will most certainly not sport any vodka. And my favorite drink, the gimlet, features gin instead. I don't think I can name a drink with vodka that I like. If you comment one that you like, I'll be sure to drink it in your honor and upvote your reply.

I'm going to put a pin in relishing how much alcohol I imbibe to pick up the food, photograph it, add it to this lovely blog post and share before the UTC clock strikes October 5th.

If I must conclude soundly for my readers, I shall. Despite my high tastes in food, drink and even marijuana, I know health is wealth. People like to say a desk job is easy. But from the looks of us, they got it all wrong. Doubly so, because you can't even see back pain. You have to massage it; stretch and lay on neck pillows with your partner.

You'll complain, avoid going to the doctor out of anxiety, but it won't change the fact that health is wealth, and maintaining your health is one of the most worthwhile investments you can make.

"You gotta live while you can, and then die when you can't help it."

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