American Adults have “never been fatter”.....same for children and doctors !



The article states what is clear to us Americans every day. We are fatter than ever and the trend is getting worse. Mexico is #2 for fatness, not becuase they don’t have tons of great foods to enjoy — but they are the #1 cola consumer which is a problem.

Are wonderful doctors don’t make money from recommending spinach and avoiding sugars. They are succumbed to the pharma industry which would rather have you on a cocktail of pills.

Children and your adults born after 1990 might think this is “normal” — that adults are fat — children are fat and we should allow Doctors to feed us as many pills as they wish.

Look at some old movies or look at the crowd of an old ball game.... are the people “fat”?


What happened and why don’t doctors or media educate people as to the “why”.....??? Isn’t anybody interested?

Obviously, what has changes is “what we are eating”...”and those cows that we eat are also eating differently” !

Simple observations:

  • the breads in the US are not like the breads in Europe

  • the GMO laced foods are not allowed in Europe — it’s perfectly fine to poison people in the US

  • Cola’s and diet drinks are now served in “tubs” compared to small servings years ago — you can say that for many foods.

But the main difference is the bread, sugar and carbs we eat on a daily basis.

I have to plug a terrific book and You Tube channel for Dr. Gundry. He was a heart surgeon for many years. He did over 10,000 heart operations and has studied this issue for half of his life. He has startling conclusions and 1000’s of patient success —- where doctors have totally failed in simple weight loss, auto immune disease and much more.

In his book “The Plant Paradox” he goes in detail about “lectins” in many of the foods we eat today and the damage it causes to our guts and in turn creates a system of unable to fend off the related weight gains and diseases we see as we age.


Simple things we should NOT eat may be just as powerful as what “to eat” —- his number one rule:


Check out his your tube channel — hear about his cures and maybe we can learn how to eat to improve our health.

Thank you

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