Be patient is one of the main ways of achieving certainty

Dear Steemit


For those of you who are now fighting the heart with patience, don't ever feel tired and want to give up even though the situation is not easy, because actually when you are patient then God is also strengthening your heart.

So do not hate conditions that are complicated by you, do not hate conditions that you think are not easy, be patient in dealing with all of them, don't ever be weak, because God is now training your heart to be stronger.

So endure even though patience hurts, endure even though patience is very testing the heart, because in the end you will be stronger to live what you should live.


Remember, do not complain unable, complain weak, and do not complain difficult, because it will definitely be easy when you are sure that all of this is a way to make your heart more rigid.

Therefore, how difficult the situation that you experience, you should never be discouraged to continue to fortify the heart with patience, remain confident that God will always splash goodness on your heart.

Apart from that anyway, still be brave even though the situation has so torn your heart, do not ever give up even though it is true that the circumstances that happened to make you helpless.

Strive to soften your heart with patience, until finally you know and understand that whatever God has decreed is nothing but your heart stronger.

And you need to know, training your heart to always be patient is tiring, indeed saturating, and very torturous to the mind, but make sure you don't just give up.

Look at the goodness of God, because truly God will not put you in something difficult if He has no purpose to make you better.


Then believe me, the pain you experience because of enduring patience will definitely not end in vain, because with him God is making your heart stronger.

With him God is making you a more appropriate person with His goodness, so that eventually you will become a wiser and more determined person in the face of whatever has become His decision.

The real best for all Steemian

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