My Actifit Activity Log [11.13.2018] BE NOW.

I’ve been talking about goals for awhile now covering off the S.M.A.R.T. GOAL acronym. I would like to put some more time into goal setting as it has been on my mind.

Having clearly defined goals makes reaching them so much easier. One of the goals I brainstormed was actually the #AutomaticWin concept. I thought 10,000 Steps before 10am would be something worth aspiring to in order to keep my own cardiovascular health up to par.

That’s when I realized that many of you following along would probably be inspired by this goal as well! So that’s when I decided to create the #AutomaticWin initiative.

Another reason I felt the #AutomaticWin was an idea/goal that I would like to integrate into my own fitness program was due to challenging nature of life in general.

So often I notice that people sacrifice their health so that they can get ahead. Everything else seems to matter except their well-being. People give everyone else their attention and effort but seem to neglect there own health. In a world where anyone and everyone can prompt you it seems that the morning hours have become the last sanctuary for actually getting important things done without the distraction.

The other reason I decided to make archiving an #AutomaticWin my cardio goal was because of the following mantra I often remind myself of.

“Be Now.”

Not later. Not some other time. Live a lifestyle where you don’t need a vacation from it. Don’t live a deferral lifestyle. Live how you want to live right here and right now.

Last time I went on a beach vacation (Cuba 🇨🇺) I made a special note of all the things I naturally wanted to do while I was there.

Well! All I wanted to do was:

  • Go running at sea level on the beach.
  • Workout at the resorts small gym.
  • Eat healthy nutritious food.
  • Go to bed early so I could head out on adventures the next day!
  • Have time and space to spend with the people who matter most to me.
  • As well I wanted more time to breath and be myself.

Noting these prompting desires I was able to recognize what I wanted more of and what I, in turn, wanted less of!

This is what, “Be Now.” means to me.

It meant imagining the lifestyle I wanted to live at a deeper level. “Be Now.” was the open door I needed allowing me the ability to look ahead, set better goals, and actually live how I wanted to TODAY. Not some arbitrary day out there somewhere in my future.

What better way to, “Be Now!” than work towards an #AutomaticWin first thing in the morning.

At least I think so! :)



  • Get 10,000 steps before 10am.
  • Take a screen shot of your @Actifit step count for proof of an #AutomaticWin.
  • At the end of the day post your proof of activity to the Steem blockchain with the @Actifit app as you normally would.
  • Include (along with the #Actifit hashtag) the #AutomaticWin hashtag and the screen capture proof you took when you got your 10,000 steps before 10am.

Congratulations! You have achieved an #AutomaticWin! Being intentional with your health means the rest of your day is now officially the bonus round! How sweet is that?!

Do any of you guys & girls want to join me in getting your own #AutomaticWin? Simply follow the steps above to join me! The more #AutomaticWin’s around the world the better all around!

💨10,000👟 + 10am⏱ = #AutomaticWin!💥🏅💥,h_833,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/d4243b_de0837206a9b47e0bae39ed4159eb12bmv2.webp

Daily Activity,Walking

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