Driving Cross Country Day 21: Onward Home

So I am wrapping things up this week finally. Normally I post on Mondays but I was a bit under the weather with traveling across country and the weather was different everywhere I had a huge headache and staring at a computer screen wasn't good for it. It's bee a long trip but it's been a good one and I may be doing a longer one in the spring we'll just have to see.

So I woke up in Blanding, UT and needed to get to Elephant Butte, NM. It was going to take around 7 hours. Tomorrow is Veteran's Day so I'll have the day off but the next I promised my friend I'd help him launch an ongoing self defense course at the hospital in Truth or Consequences. When I first drove through Blanding on the way to Salt Lake City I noticed this beautiful reservoir outside of town but didn't have time to stop. This morning I went to the gas station down the road early and decided to take some photos before I hit the road to New Mexico. It's called the Recapture Reservoir.







The reservoir honestly would make a good post on it's own but this is more of a blog thing I may repost it separate another time. After taking some early morning photos of the reservoir I hit the road. I wasn't far from the Arizona border I just had to go through Mexican Hat and some of those places. Yes Mexican Hat is the name of the town and no I didn't make it up. I didn't name the town so all the snowflakes out there just go melt on someone else I didn't name it.

I did manage to catch a couple more I missed on the way up coming through Arizona in the Navajo Nation area. I think I ended up on some other route slightly going back because I passed a really nice lake I never noticed on the way up.


The above photo that's the one, that is the money shot right there if there ever was one for me outside of the Grand Canyon it's the one. I seen it right after I crossed over into Arizona and knew right away no taking one through the windshield isn't going to get it with this I pulled the car off the road and got my ass out to take it. It was truly in the middle of nowhere but screw it that one is a winner.

The below photos are from another nice lake I happened to pass further into Navajo Nation





I made my way through Arizona and finally back to Elephant Butte. It was still early so I had time to get a nice bowl of homemade pozole. The next post may wrap everything up so stay tuned. I hope you have enjoyed everything so far. Thanks for stopping by and have a great night!

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