Do I Really Need Another Diet? - A psychological approach to your relationship with food

Whenever most people think of the word "diet", they hide into the darkest corner they know of and their gut shrinks to the size of a raisin.
Why? Because they know they need to change something about their eating habits.
Change something to be healthier, change something to look different, change something just because they feel like they should.

So, why don't they?
And why do they see the extreme "diets" as the only way to change things?

This is exactly why I wrote the book Do I Really Need Another Diet? A psychological approach to your relationship with food.

You see, most people have a very unhealthy relationship with food.

I'm not only talking about individuals who are over their desired weight, or are only eating fast food and drinking only sugary drinks.

What most people don't know is just how many people struggle with their relationship with food, be it overweight, underweight, or of whatever weight. Be it eating chocolate bars as if they were made of pure health or be it eating salads for every meal of the day.

Many people struggle being around food they've prohibited themselves from having, struggle with staying in check with their diet plan, crave something they cannot have, and most ultimately end up saying "Screw it!" and quit their efforts altogether.

For most, their diets are a source of anxiety.

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What I first want you to acknowledge is that your diet isn't a six week meal plan you picked off the internet or magazine. Your diet is your lifestyle. Something you do, whether you're aware of it or not, each and every day.
Your diet may consist of three meals of fast food a day, one massive meal, sixteen small ones, or four salads. They're all still called the same. A diet.

Now, changing your lifestyle surely isn't the easiest thing to do, but there's one thing you need to know above all. It won't happen overnight. And it also doesn't have to. Five years from now it won't matter if it took you one month, six months, a year, or two, to fix your food-related problems. What will matter is that you will feel better around food, be able to enjoy all foods without feeling restricted, will be at least closer to your target weight, and will be equipped with all the tools necessary to make desired changes along the way if need be.
I firstly wanted to title this book "How to unf@ck your diet", which should give you an idea of what it's about.

In this book you will learn how to:
  • Stop overeating.
  • Enjoy in all foods without the guilt.
  • Handle real life situations, such as eating out.
  • Set your goals for success.
  • Be honest with yourself and stop making excuses.
  • Lose or gain weight as effortlessly as possible, depending on your goals.
  • Never need to go on another diet ever again.

The book also contains a cheat sheet at the end that describes in-detail how to improve your relationship with food one step at a time and is a great summary of what you've learnt in the book.

It is written to be as easily understood as possible, with real life examples, some humor, and importantly, with its claims supported by scientific articles.
It aims to encourage you to question your relationship with food by providing the necessary tools to achieve your (diet related) goals and even battle your existing food disorders.
And best of all, the tools described in this book remain much the same for all aspects of your life–they are only explained through diet related examples to help you see them in action.

So how do you know if this book is for you?
Simple! Answer the following questions!

Are you:

  • Endlessly dieting and not seeing results?
  • Binging on foods you restricted yourself from?
  • Feeling uneasy and out of control around food?
  • Tired of telling yourself you'll start over on Monday?
  • Dying to get your hands on a magic diet pill?
  • Chasing the elusive "best diet"?
  • Uncertain how and where to start?

These are just a few examples of the questions the book can help you resolve, so if you've answered yes to these questions, I believe the book holds a lot of valuable information for you.

Now that you know you want the book, you're probably wondering how much it costs and how you can get your hands on a copy.

  • One option is ordering from Amazon, following the link here.
    The book itself is priced at $7.99.

  • The other option is ordering directly from me, for which I will keep the same price, but you will be asked to cover the shipping fee(s). The purchase can be made using STEEM, SBD, Paypal, ...
    If you order directly from me, you will receive a signed copy with a personalized thank you note.

Thank you for sticking around until the end of this post. If you have any questions, I'm more than happy to answer them.

I wish you all the best on your way to improving your relationship with food and achieving your diet/weight related goals!
I believe in you! <3

Special thanks to the people who believed in me, especially Mitja Kuret, the man who is also responsible for making my products look good, and @calluna, who made sure I didn't forget anything worth mentioning and spell-checked the text. <3

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