All the Fiction Stories for the second part of the @blocktrades + @thewritersblock SF contest!

21 days ago we announced the winners for the first part of this contest and we asked them to to write a fiction story. We asked them to make a tightly written, engaging short story around 1500 words with a fresh voice, cohesive storyline, proper formatting, and competent mechanics.

The response from these winners was overwhelming! I just spent around two hours reading these seven incredible entries and to be honest, I wouldn´t want to be in the judges shoes; I don´t think I would be able to pick just one winner, one person who will get a Free Stem Fest ticket and accommodation in the @blocktrades appartment in Krakow.

But don´t take my word for it. I encourage every avid reader to check out all the posts featured here and hey, spare a vote if you like them! All of these writers made an effort to bring their best fiction story for this contest. The entries are, in no particular order, as follows:



Shadows of war

Samara and her family were walking on an arid and inhospitable slope, while walking with her head down, she raised her gaze, which left in evidence the desperation and anguish she had back then. In the distance, she saw a bridge. Her sister Delila looked her with the corner of her eye and then told her:

"Samara, at this point, we’ll need to cross the river"

"Delila, there has to be some other alternative, I won’t let the children take this risk, the water stream might turn so violent at any moment and you know I'm not an expert swimmer."

Just understand that this is the only way, the bridge must be guarded by a military control. If we want to get to the Turkish border while still having our heads, then you better prepare yourself to cross the river, and please, hold Amira so strongly, I entrust you," Delila emphasized. Samara saw in her eyes that same hint of...Continue reading



The reluctant Steemian

Tobias Menderson was a tall, distinguished individual who, at the age of seventy-five was entitled to hate everyone and everything and he did so, accordingly. But the thing Tobias hated most in the world was other people.

And although he went to great lengths to keep them away from him, there were times when dealing with others was simply unavoidable. So it was that that, on an early Wednesday morning, Tobias found himself sitting on the window seat in row 34B of a great big plane headed for Poland.

He was going to Poland to attend his company's annual meeting. I won't bore you with what Tobias' company did, only that it made loads of money and of course, being his very own passion project, the meeting would be a party of one.

Mr. Menderson had gotten in the peculiar habit of dining out, in a reserved conference room fit for 500 attendees all by his lonesome. And he couldn't be...Continue reading



The ambitious vocalist

Peter couldn’t wait to be called on. The speaker kept skipping him when it was time for questions. He had a question he’d been dying to ask and he couldn’t wait to let it out. He wondered why others weren’t talking about it. He had asked it online several times but it wasn’t answered the way he’d wanted it. He believed asking it in the conference room where a lot of knowledgeable people were present will help clarify things and improve the interactions. It was getting tense in the room already. He was about giving up when he was pointed at to have the floor. He cleared his throat, hesitated and finally raised his voice.

“What’s your take on SMT, do you believe it will bring Steem back on track?”

The thumbs up and nodding of heads from the crowd showed that the question was indeed needed.

“Of course it should.” The lady sitting beside Peter whispered. “You don’t know...Conitnue reading



Frustrated But Determined

I walked towards the embassy that morning like someone frozen to the bones. My pace was short, I tried not to make too much noise as I walked. But my shoes were out to embarrass me. Those pair of low heels knocked hard as they reached the ground. I saw a man dressed in a black suit with an ID Card hanging from his neck standing outside. From the way he looked, I surmised he was an official with the embassy.

“Good morning sir.” I genuflected as I pronounced the words with respect as if I were before Father Abraham for confession. He looked at me as if I had not spoken a word. Perhaps he did not hear me.

“Good morn…”

“Are you here for your visa applications?” He half asked, half-spatted at me. I looked at him for a moment. He was a Nigerian like myself. I wondered why he did not return my greeting. Auntie Fiona had told me to treat everyone with respect at the embassy. Any sign of disrespect would cost me...Continue reading



A thousand days

It was a dark and stormy night when I woke up and I didn’t know where I was or who I was.

But that was fine, because there were no rules here, and I was a writer and I was allowed to write whatever opening line I thought I could get away with. Who would judge me for that?

Oh, the judges. That’s right. Ah well, I couldn’t backtrack now.

Lightning flashed outside, followed by the pounding of thunder. I sat up in bed, my name and memories finally coming back to me in a most convenient fashion.

It was early in the morning. My goal was clear. I knew what I had to do.

I leapt from my bed, and a jaunty movie soundtrack accompanied my morning routine. Bathroom activities which shall go undetailed, followed by covering my nudity with...Continue reading



From Siberia to Steem Fest

In 1989, when our Steemian used to work in KGB headquarters in Dresden, German Democratic Republic, Putin – lieutenant coloniel of KGB at the time – was in a pinch; The Berlin wall had been torn down, the Soviet Union was about to collapse, the streets were one big mayhem and Putin realized the headquarters was to be next. Quickly, he set out to burning through all the documents tying KGB to GDR, but as it happened, he burned so much paper that the fireplace crumbled down from excessive heating and the whole headquarters caught fire. "Guaranteed GDR quality my ass. Well, at least I don't need to burn them myself now."

But there was a bit of a problem: he sort of kinda killed all the staff along the building. Putin had had enough time for himself, but had forgotten to tell everyone else that he indeed wasn't going for an extensively long jog into the Siberia, but was running away from a burning house. He thought that of course the fire alarms would set off – at least that's what he told himself – but the loudest it got, was the flames eating out oxygen from the air....Continue reading



Forward and back

Frogs croaked in a rhythm as if timed to a metronome, and fireflies flickered in the rushes. On the deck, a glass of wine in hand, Carey watched the darkening sky and rising crescent moon. Then she turned to the glow of her laptop. It was attracting insects, in spite of the citronella candles all around.
Setting down her glass, she opened a browser and checked the price of cryptocurrencies — Bitcoin, Steem, Ethereum, Litecoin. They were all down, and had been for months.

She turned toward the kitchen and called to Allen through the screen door. “Honey?” She could see him at the island counter, preparing dinner. “This crypto market is flat-lining. Steem has tanked. I think I’ll cut my losses.”

Allen smiled, a lemon in one hand and a knife in the other. “At last, you’re coming to your senses. I was never a crypto fan, babe. Just do a mix of ...Continue reading




Living on the outskirts of town with his family, Xander lived a relatively peaceful life.

He put in an honest days work, tending to the livestock that fed his family. 6 days a week, Xander would be up at the crack of dawn, his first order of business was to feed the animals. The chickens, the horses and the sheep. After which he would head out into the pasture and check in on the cows, peacefully grazing without a care in the world. After completing his morning routine, he would take his two children to school, do his daily errands in town and head back home to mend the crops. In the late afternoon he would head back into town to pickup his children, and return home around 5, dinner awaiting Xander and the youngsters. After dinner he would would sit on the front porch with his wife and watch the sun go down. His wife would then retreat indoors and get the children ready for bed, while Xander would usually remain on the porch for another hour or so, his whiskey on the rocks in hand. Life was simple, a stark contrast from just a few years ago.

It had been almost 5 full laps of the sun since Xander had lost his best friend. Xander and Finn had been best friends growing up, through their school days and into...Continue reading

What story did you like the most? Let us know in the comments and let the writers know about it, comment on their post what you thought about their story! One of the most important things for writer is feedback and to know what their readers think about their work :)

Remember this is a @Blocktrades sponsored contest, if you like what they are doing vote for them as witness here

@anomadsoul is a proud host of this contest, if you like what he is doing vote for @ocd-witness as witness here
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