Dysmenorrhea Treatment Measures

Dysmenorrhea is a very common pathological state among women of fertile age. About half of the women suffer from this painful syndrome during the menstruation. It may have various reasons and is subdivided into two categories according to them – primary and secondary dysmenorrhea. Primary dysmenorrhea is the painful menstruation that does not have any reasons connected with diseases or pathologies and it is proved that genetic factors may become the reasons of it (if women in the family suffered from it in previous generation). In many cases the painful states disappear after delivery. Secondary dysmenorrhea is caused by such diseases as pathologies of pelvic organs, endometriosis, and diseases of intimate sphere.


Pain is not the only unpleasant symptom of dysmenorrhea. Along with it, women often suffer from mood changing, depression, sleep and appetite disorders. Sometimes also dizziness, headache or even conscience loss may appear together with all this. The diagnostic of dysmenorrhea is possible only after the thorough gynecological examination.

The measures of dysmenorrhea treatment may vary according to the reasons of its appearance. The main purpose of it is the normalization of the menstrual period and hormone production balance. The treatment of primary dysmenorrhea consists of the anti-inflammatory non-steroid preparations and symptomatic measures. Vitamin therapy is also effective in that case. Sometimes the psychotherapy and psychotropic medications are used too, but it’s necessary to decide together with the psychiatrist whether it will be appropriate. In addition, the spasmolytic and analgesic treatment are used. Some special oral contraceptives regulate hormone balance and may help too.

In case with secondary dysmenorrhea the treatment must be aimed on fighting the disease that caused this pathological state. However, the symptomatic therapy may be used along with treatment of the main disease to ease the pain of a patient.

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