An Wild Overdue Gathering with German Food – FoodPorn

Okay it wasn’t wild, because we’re responsible mature adults now.

I’ve been away from Perth for 5 years, and out of the many light-years away, i have probably seen my good friends at the most 4 times if their lucky, only 2 if their not hahahah

But now the sad gloomy days are over, with my return. You guys will see me everywhere. Be it at home or work or even worst your bathroom ha-ha (I aren’t no stalker, I just love you).

But jokes aside, it really is good to be back.

To create some new memories, be it good or bad.

Cause more mischief, because that’s what we do best . But not too much, we don’t want to be a bad influence on the kids (yes we have been promoted).

Eat till we get fat and shop until we are so poor, than live off instant noodles and spaghetti for the next fortnight until we get paid.

Go out and see more of the world, because we finally passed and got our drivers licence (woooo hooo). Bye bye train station bye bye.

Be the shoulder that the other one can lean on and share our problems with, because talking on the phone is not the same and it cost too much money LOL.

Okay now, noooo more of this squishy stuff.

This is the first gathering, when we all finally got back together. We went to a place called “Brotzeit German Bier & Restaurant”. It’s advertised on their website as “Bringing the best authentic German food and beer to Western Australia! Brotzeit® is a home-grown brand conceived in 2006 to introduce authentic German cuisine accompanied by world famous quality German beer in a contemporary setting”.


For me it was the first time trying out German food, and let me tell you this… …… it was fantastic. I never tried this sort of thing before. Been brought up sooooo Asian, I really do enjoy my rice and noodles. But this was totally worth going out of my comfort zone for.

When I first saw the pork knuckle I thought to myself “do I pick up the whole thing and eat it Flintstone style”, I really was unsure. I kept waiting for my friends to eat it first, so I don’t make a fool of myself. I thought it was going to be hard and dry. But it was actually perfectly crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, easy to cut with a knife. Everything on the plater I tried was delicious .


Chips, good…….

Ribs, gooddd…….

Sausages, gooddd …….

I will definitely be back with the gang to try the other meals on their menu, hint hint guys ... Another meeting needs to be schedule soon, because I miss you hehheehh.

Source: 100% taken by me, Flintstones family taken from our trusty Google. Damnnnn I think I’m hungry hahaha

Signing out, you’re oh so cute “Happyboo25”

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