Day Six: Why? Why Eat Organic?"

Greetings Steem Team,

Why do I eat organic vegetables and fruit? Building on our last discussion about adjusting the thinking to find permanent successs, today we discuss another adjustment in thinking.

You hold the power through your thinking/actions to not only lose weight, reclaim health and enjoy vibrancy but also to give that gift back to the earth.

What do I mean here? By eating foods without chemicals and pesticides, you put the DEMAND for clean foods and diminish the use of chemeicals and pesticides.

You begin a cycle of cleaning your body of these dangerous chemical compounds while simultaneously cleaning the fields where they grow.


By adjusting your perspective to encompass the earth which provides your food you join the symbiotic circle of vibrancy!! The more you help restore balance within your body the more you give that gift to the earth and others!


Together we make things better! Together we have the power to manifest magnificent change!!! Go be the change you crave. Change your world with your fork.

Homework: tap into YOUR thinking...see if there are attitudes holding you back...yes it's work!!
Tomorrow: back to the "big four" a better grasp on your food logs...translation POWER UP SUCCESS

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