Weekly and Fresh 📸 (46/52)

Hi Hive!

46th week done, and only 6 weeks to go!!!


I've had an interesting week for sure. After having built a mini product studio, I've been shooting almost everything in it, and ended up not having to go outside at all for photos.

I guess that was inevitable.

But my main forté is in nature photography, so I should be getting outside more often.

The problem is there is no light. We've got about a 3 hour window with enough light for taking photos without the tripod, and maybe – if the sun is shining, or if there is enough snow – a one hour window for taking photos of moving targets like birds without pushing the camera over its limits.

So I might have to wait until the spring for those kinds of images. But who knows...

The HiveFest was this weekend. I wonder if you saw me or met me there. It was fun, at least for the time I was there – which wasn't much – but what I particularly enjoyed was meeting @lemonycricket and @m31 that I had the pleasure to chat with overnight at the previous gathering in Thailand.

Last night we spent some time playing the Cards against Humanity, which was a very delighting game that I have never played before. A bit dark and disturbing, generally a bit like my sense of humour.

This morning, when Leo heard of the game we played, he said I should've waken him up to join the game.

Props also to @gandalf, @beyondpadthai, @sgt-dan, and others who were there at the table. I had fun.

But enough of this... let's get on with the photos I took!

Here are the posts I made in #DailyAndFresh last week:


Maustekakkupalat // 2 pieces of cake 📷


Pear and pecans (still-life) 📷


Brandy 📷


Carpe Diem 📷


Glögi // Glögg // Glogg // Glühwein 📷


A cup of...? 📷


Virtual HiveFest⁵ selfie 📷

I hope you liked them! Go ahead and click on the photos to read the posts, and if you like, send me a comment or give an upvote. I will appreciate it very much!

See you again soon!

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