Weekly and Fresh πŸ“Έ (47/52)

Ho Ho Hive!

We've passed the 47th week, and there are only 5 weeks left!!!

The Yule week was a busy one. I had to do a lot of groceries, and there was also a lot of gift packing involved.

But in the midst of all of that I still had time to shoot and edit some photos for my little project.

It was also a bit concerning to hear about the Covid19 numbers constantly rising during it all. I'm glad we were eventually not affected.

The celebrations came and went, and the boys were extatic for their presents, only to find out the next day when they tried them out, that most of them were already broken. ("Made in China"!)

Lesson learned, never buy anything cheap. There is a Finnish saying that goes: "KΓΆyhΓ€llΓ€ ei ole varaa ostaa halpaa." In English: "Poor people can't afford cheap things." It basically means that cheap things are prone to be defective and/or of very low quality that can't withstand basic usage without breaking. A better investment will be to buy something of actual quality.

So I took the cheap PS4 racing wheel with a defective pedal back to the shop and bought one that felt sturdy – and frankly almost too expensive for me – I just don't want to spoil everything by getting a replacement that might already be broken. Similarly, my father is on a lookout for a real telescope for Miro, instead of that thing that had cat hair and dust all over its cheap plastic optics, and which we couldn't even assemble without it breaking up.

I'm glad the gaming mouse I got for Miro wasn't defective after all. At first we got a scare the mouse buttons didn't work, and when we read online that it wouldn't work on Linux (I thought all mice would).

Miro's "best Christmas ever" on Christmas Eve turned into his "worst Christmas ever" on the Christmas day.

It was however, all false news. After all, only changing the led colour scheme and button configurations would have needed a Windows. The mouse started working after I tried it on my own computer, and tested all the buttons with and without the extra "shift" button on the mouse.

After we figured that out, it was "best Christmas ever" again.

The boys also got a lot of books, some puzzles, and headphones.

What I got for a present from my own dad was weird. I got a book about Donald Trump, written by his sister Mary Trump. I can't say I'm very interested in Trump though. I am not sure what I am to think about it.

Well well well... Too much digressing, I must get back to the actual post...

Here are the posts I made in #DailyAndFresh last week:


Okay, foggy shots from the harbour on Saturday πŸ“·


Joulukaktus // Christmas Cactus πŸ“·


Apples and oranges πŸ“·


Yuletide/Xmas preparations πŸ“·


White Xmas? πŸ“·


Jouluaatto / Christmas Eve πŸ“·


Angels πŸ“·

I hope you liked these photos. If you want, you can find more content and photos by clicking each of the photos in this post. If you liked the post, please upvote and share!

I hope you all had a Merry Christmas, and I wish you all an Amazing New Year 2021!

See you again soon!

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