Why People NEED to eat Meat

Something I’ve thought of lately.

The fact that people only eat meat because of 2 major false beliefs.

False Beliefs

Here is the false belief followed by the reality in layman’s terms:

False belief: You NEED meat for protein, b12, etc.

Truth: it is impossible to absorb protein and b12 from meats. For 1, you cannot chew small enough (or even liquefy!) to assimilate the proteins to where they belong—the blood! These proteins are also too complex, and your natural enzymes do not break these complex proteins down. For 2, meat does not have b12; b12 is fortified into the fake blood and easily destroyed with cooking. For 3, the human body needs relatively very little protein compared to what is marketed and bought by the consumer masses.

False belief: meat tastes soooo good.

Truth: it is not the meat itself that has the taste that the population is generally looking for. The taste is fabricated with: salt, pepper, garlic, spices, sauces, the fake blood protein solution that is re-injected after the blood has been drained, etc. Do you really think you love sushi? Then have it without the soy sauce, without the wasabi, without the rice, without the sea veggie (nori) wrap.

Brainwashed at best.

This is the human condition—brainwashed consumers unable to face the fact that they have been fooled and remain as delusional frugivores...or AT LEAST vegetarians in denial! And your limited, valuable attention is wasted to empower an industry that exploits you, your family, your health, and even more of your time.

Now that you know the truth, you can resume all of the other media distractions to just keep you buying and buying something (meat) that is more or less a scam product with an eating experience that anyone can easily recreate in a less expensive and nutritionally broad meal.

Thank you! :)

It is my wish to serve you with these words.

Some info about me: I've been involved with Bitcoin since 2010. By trade I am an expert on blockchain technology. I am the Project Director for Wall of Coins, and CEO for Genitrust, Inc. I eat primarily fruits and leafy greens ("fruitarian"). This is known as a frugivorous diet, which is the diet by design of the human species and most primates. I don't cook my fruits, so you may also call this "raw vegan". I have eaten virtually every food item and major cultural style on this planet. I have experienced long periods of many different diet regimens: acid/alkaline, ketogenic, vegan, etc. In my spare time as a child, and an adult, I truly relished reading articles, books, and research papers on nutritional observation. I also enjoy and frequently practice long periods of juice fasting, water fasting, and dry fasting.

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Robert Genito
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