Vegan for the animals

FB_IMG_1500617032734.jpgVeganism is a boycott on ALL FORMS OF EXPLOITATION AND KILLING, humans included.

Health is good approach to help animals, since most people are semi psychopaths, from growing up in a disconnected world, it is quite difficilt to connect with the reality of a being if they aren't in front of us, especially if that being is in a facility kept highly secret. But Empathy is the key If anyone had an empathetic connection with their victims at the moment they were about to pay, consume or partake in anyway in the exploitation or killing of another being, they simply would'nt. Yes even the stone cold blooded jackass you can think of. We are a compassionate race!!

But the trick is to stay connected, to not forget, to always actually understand... Most have understood that animals suffer immensively, and that they cause violence in ways they dont agree with, but the taste... The thing is they do understand, sometimes... When the time comes to partake in the exploitation or killing of others, people forget, they disconnect, they don't understand anymore. So my solution is a bit tough, even painful, but effective and i will even add crucial. It is to watch those undercover videos, the images, documentaries, to read articles and especially, to visualize the animals in pain, to hear their screams, so you could feel their torment.

Connect the dots. When you see someone consuming a piece of cheese for exemple, the reality is that it takes a 10 to 1 ration to make that little piece of cheese, thats about 3-4 litres. Thats about 4-6 hours for a mother and her baby. A mother that is being tied up against her will many times a day, drained much more then what her baby would do, raped once a year and suffered the kidnapping of her child, every, year... After about 4-5 years she wont be able to walk from the stress, physical and emotional pain and exaustion. While her baby will be screaming for his/her mom, tied up so he/she wont be able to move for weeks until they are ready for slaughter... 4-6 hours of that atrocity, one piece of cheese... If you connect the dots, you won't act indiferently, you will act accordingly. The same as if you would see someone hitting a child. You would do something.

Stay connected!!

I have all the good documentaries here is anyone is interested...

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