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When your eating less than optimal foods .....🍳🥓🍕🍞🥔🥫🥪

when you are eating unhealthy foods, it’s difficult to grasp how impactful these foods are on your overall health...

It’s not like you eat a cheeseburger and 💥 your health spirals downward...

Wrong foods for the human physiology have such an accumulative, & acidifying impact that gradually wears down organs & glands or the inner workings of the body...

excess mucus is produced by the body as a defence to these acidifying & complex foods to encapsulate the toxins - only to be tucked away, slowly accumulating stagnation & unwanted stagnant mass within...

weight gain ensues, calcium loss from connective tissue takes place, the colon walls develop crevices & pockets which accumulate matter that can remain there & putrefy for many years ...

the effects of wrong foods are gradual, they can go unnoticed until that breaking point occurs, where suddenly symptoms appear out of nowhere, & we suddenly feel unlucky & scared, for having some awful disease -

not realizing, or taking credit that we created or developed our disease along the way, & that we could un-create our pain if only we could only gain a full understanding of the entire process involved, along with enduring inevitable pain & hardship as part of the price for violating natural law...

yes, there is a price one must pay for continually adding the wrong fuel / chemistry into the body ...

complex / high protein chemistry clogs, it dehydrates, it stagnates, it stiffens, it burns, it makes you wonder what is wrong ...

The correct fuel / chemistry hydrates, it loosens, its fluidity, it’s sweet, it leaves you feeling light & unsatisfied - it confuses- because it’s almost foreign now , until you’ve reverted your body over to the correct fuel for optimal human health ...

The issue is, most individuals will not see the entire process of reverting the body & reversing disease through... its lengthy


something along the way will deter them & throw doubt into the mix, whether it be the parasites & candida (fungus) that initiate insatiable cravings, or a family member with a stronger will who instilled just enough doubt, or the stresses of circumstances too much to fight off that it causes one to give in... when we fail, many of us just give up & write it off as a failure due to the lifestyle changes & not your lack of understanding...

when this happens you can take your label, & add to the confusion in the dietary world that surrounds a truly healthy lifestyle ...

you can become that x-vegan that turned to animal products & suddenly felt better due to lack of knowledge...

or, you can become that person that turned to a high fat diet & felt better because the fats acted - suppressed & gave them a false sense of well-being ...

you could become that x “fruitarian” that could no longer handle the detoxification symptoms due to not transitioning properly or learning what to really expect...

you could become the paleo advocate because society is more accepting of you...

you can become any label, anything you wish, the only thing that cannot be labeled is the truth...

there is no way to truly tell someone exactly what to eat, when to eat it & how to eat it because if you are truly understanding what health is, & the processes one must live through to get there, then you would possess the awareness that it’s an individual experience, dependent on your personal accumulations over your lifetime, it’s ever changing, customized, personalized & an art, that only comes to those that take the time to learn it for themselves ...

it only comes to those who possess the ability to recognize truth & to apply it with unwavering doubt & perseverance ... faith

Unfortunately, not everyone can get there, & this is an unfortunate truth- not because it’s that difficult, but because they will always look to someone else to figure everything out for them, without taking the actual time to figure it out for themselves...

Please people, most famous dieticians are only selling you half truths... most health information obtained by mainstream sources do not share truth & if it’s got a diet name, it’s most likely a lot of bs...

The future health care professionals are here, they are those who have healed themselves over years, they are those who understand detoxification, they are those who know the difference between lifestyle & “diet” ... they do not use medications or fancy apparatuses, they use the process of elimination combined with nature, they are simple & understand health comes with simplicity ...

#Mariah 🍍 Heal Thy Self
Healthy Self...

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