Veganism vs Carnivourism : Its about a decision not physiological needs!

Veganism vs Carnivorism:

Its about a decision not physiological needs!



Many would never concider eating a dog but sees no problem with torturing and eating equally emotional capabale animals. A total tragedy if you ask me, the absence of moral is taking over this world more every day, we must wake up.

I touched upon this in my last post and it is clear that in 2018, there is nothing to hinder you from eating a plant based diet. The same can be said about a healthy meat diet, it wont kill you, the added toxins thou might. This leaves us at a situation where it all comes down to a simple choice, do i want to eat meat when taking all of its negative consequences in regard, or do I want to stop supporting the meat industry and eat a plant based diet.

Make an informed decision, don´t blindly support the meat industry!

Eating meat will devastate forests, soils and waste away our precious water.
The meat industry is emitting more green house gases then all of our vehicles put together.
The supermarket meat today is full of toxins such as hormones, antibiotics, arsenic and many other chemical compounds, toxins that plants never comes in contact with.
Eating a plant based diet with solid nutrition in, is both safer, healthier and easier then surviving on meat and fast food i promise you!



150,000,000,000 Is killed every year just for the taste of their flesh. 2,000,000 cats so far this year along with 18,000,000 dogs, along with 900,000,000 pigs, This is so sick!

All nutritions are avaliable in crops and if you fear lacking a certain vitamine e.g B12, take a pill this is how the animals get B12. Why give them pills then eat them, why is that a better idea?

This leaves us with a simple decision, care about the earth and fellow animals / humans or consume away and stay ignorant to the dire consequences of such an choice.

The future of agriculture

There are no more lands to put animals on, so we started clearing the last of our rain forests and deplete the last of our usable growing soils. We have the possibility to grew crops vertically and make all the food we need within cities, something that wont work with animals.



Looking at these two pictures i get totally different feelings, one where crowded animals suffer for the sake of nothing really, just a stupid idea that meat is necessary. Plants on the other hand thrives close to each other and have no sense of being free or not. It is a must to start producing vertically grown crops and stop the insane meat industry, just look at it.


And remember animals are animals, there is no difference, I would never eat my German shepherd nor would I eat a cow!

It is time for humanity to wake up, sit tight for my next post where I will go through what would happen if everyone started a vegan diet right away, a very appealing vision of the world I must say. Are you ready for a change?


Thanks for reading my post and spreading the message, Peace!

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