Jackfruit Empanadas

I can't believe after so many years since I left Thailand at the age of four, that I finally had jackfruit. It seems that it's become all the rage in vegan cuisine. Jackfruit pulled pork sandwiches being the top on the list of how to use jackfruit for a meat substitute.

When we spent six months in Mexico, I was surprised to see fresh jackfruit there, thinking that it was an Asian fruit only. I was intrigued by the smell which was familiar to me as if no time had passed since I was a small child. I did not purchase it though, thinking that it was too luxurious of a purchase with our limited budget. Then we moved to an apartment in the hills of Acapulco where in the back of the property were coconut trees, banana trees and also a jackfruit tree that had two large jackfruit on it but I couldn't have because they belonged to the owner.

I admired them all the same. They are so large and take so long to grow. They wear a suit of armor so impressive as though they intelligently designed their own outfit. Inside they have such little flesh compared to their size.


Yesterday I found canned jackfruit and realized I had seen this can before so I could have been using it all along. Of course there is fresh jackfruit and frozen jackfruit but I have never wanted to spend the money that it would require to purchase this in Canada. I have decided though, that soon I will purchase jackfruit that has been frozen to see if it has more flavor that the can that I bought, which did not have any flavor or aroma. However I see why it is used as a meat substitute. It's texture is quite durable and it absorbs flavors that are added to it.


I decided to make empanadas since I had some precooked corn flour left. I have never made them before.



I mixed it with hot water, that I added a veggie boullion cube to, for extra flavor.


I added the flour mixing it to get a consistency that would allow me to roll the dough but not be too dry that it would crack.


For the filling I chopped green onion, red pepper, jalapeno pepper, and garlic to saute with the jackfruit.


I also added a spice mixture of paprika, onion powder, garlic powder, pepper, thyme, cumin, coriander and turmeric, and some tomato paste.


I was amazed at the texture and how it really took on all of the flavors. I have to say it was much like chicken even though I certainly never want to eat chicken again. I was quite impressed and look forward to experimenting with it some more.


I know that most people fry empanadas in deep fry oil but I only did it in a little oil in a frying pan for a few seconds then put them in the oven for about twenty minutes.


I made an avocado cream to go with it. It was made with avocado, garlic, lime juice, cider vinegar, salt, and a little olive oil.


I really wouldn't have known that I was eating jackfruit if someone served this to me and didn't tell me.



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