Dine With Me #12 // Lovely co-working place in Siem Reap + Vegan Burger!

Hello Steemy Friends long time no chat!

Before I get into sharing this awesome cafe we visited in Siem Reap I wanted to give a little update on my life, what i've been up to, where i've been and what not. So the past two weeks have been super busy and exciting, I have been designing a bunch of digital products for a new online store I'm launching soon. So I've been chipping away at it every day firstly because I want to get it live as soon as possible and ALSO because we are leaving Thailand in 3 weeks and flying over to BALI!!! and I want up and running before we fly out. woooo woooo I'm super excited, I haven't been there before but I love exploring around new places and finding gooood eats and establishing a new routine. So since I've been working on this new store I haven't really been out trying new things, taking photos so I can share on steemit. But I hope you stick with me! and I will hopefully be back posting more regularly once I get the store up and running. Now back to the post.


This was our last meal in Siem Reap and we didn't intend on going to this cafe we actually wanted to go to a restaurant that was directly across from it because we went the night before and the meals were super healthy and super cheap! Unfortunately we came on a day they were closed, however we got lucky by discovering this is baby which had an awesome range of vegetarian/vegan dishes.

There was a poster outside that also shared that they have vegan buffet every Tuesday!!! how freaking awesome is that but since that was our last day and it wasn't a Tuesday there was no buffet for us



When we entered I instantly got that co-working cafe vibe from the people tapping away on there laptops. I don't blame them, the environment was super comfortable and the selection of food was amazing. I haven't found a co-working place like this half as good while I was in Chiang Mai.




The placemats were super cute, they were laminated drawing done by some of the kids in town. _



First up the drinks, I usually don't order smoothies with my meals anymore simply because I get wayyyy to full on the meal alone all I want to drink in the moment is usually water. But I just couldn't resist this spinach and banana smoothie.

My boyfriend got the choc peanut butter smoothie which in my opinion way to rich with a heavy meal but would be perfect on it's own. But nevertheless still so so good.



As for food, I couldn't pass up trying the lentil burger they had, sadly it was a little disappointing no where near as good as some of the other vegan burger I've tried bit heavy on the spices. My boyfriend got the stuffed roast and was sooooooo happy with it.




I thought them using a book as the bill folder was so cute and crafty, I've just never seem them do that before.



I really hope to be able to do more post frequently for you guys, when i'm not working on the new store. Like I said I'm heading to Bali in 3 weeks so that should be the kick up the butt I need to adventure out and do more travel diary posts ! Stick with me and chat with you guys again soon!

Until next time,


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