[Vietnamese Translation] - Source: eSteem-surfer - Part 1: 1,347 words in English


2.Project Details

eSteem(@esteemapp) makes easy to explore STEEM world through its amazing mobile and desktop product. With their useful features such as notification, bookmarks, steemian can easily enjoy to reading and creativity activities. Thanks @good-karma

For more information, please visit eSteem official channel:

3.Contribution Specifications

3.1. Translation Overview

This is my first translation of eSteem-Surfer. I translated the en-US.json file and completed the Vietnamese language translation. My purpose is to quickly finish this document so that the site is ready to launch in the Vietnamese language. It contains a useful guide for users to help everyone to understand and use all the features of the eSteem platform.

Thank you @good-karma and @esteemapp for doing a great job on this platform and app. I’m happy to have an opportunity to translate this for the Vietnamese community. Next on my list is eSteem Mobile.

3.2. Languages:
Source Language: English
Target Language: Vietnamese

3.3. Word count:
This part has 1,347 words in English.
The untranslated words are: 60 words, such as: {n} {p} ...
The translated words in total are: 1,287 words.

3.4. Proofread
My translation part was proofread twice by the Language Manager of the Vietnamese Team - @carlpei. It means that my work was checked and followed in details by the authorized person.

4. Proof of Authorship

You can lookup Crowdin project on the following link, as well as the summary of my activities: Crowdin Project Activity


This part I would like to spend to say many thanks to you and my team for taking your time to follow me and my translations. Moreover, I would like to say a big thank to my Language Manager for his time reading and making proofread in details. I highly appreciated what he has done for our team.
I am so happy to be a part of our team and we are trying our best to bring to our community the useful sources of information. You can check more Vietnamese translations via my team who have Steemit accounts are: lantracy, adam.tran, lecongdoo3.
Finally, I am so grateful for being an approved translator of Davinci and Utopian.

My other contributions: