[Vietnamese Translation] - Source: FreeCAD - Part 1: 1349 words in English

Image source


The FreeCAD on Github
The FreeCAD on Crowdin

2.Project Details

  • Project name: The FreeCAD

One of my translation projects is FreeCAD. I did pick up this project because I would like to challenge myself in a totally different area.

FreeCAD is created as a software which provides the users a tool to design and draw the engineering drawing in both 2D and 3D detailedly and correctly.

FreeCAD is an open-source parametric 3D modeler made primarily to design real-life objects of any size. Parametric modeling allows you to easily modify your design by going back into your model history and changing its parameters.

For more information about FreeCAD, you can find out via: FreeCAD website; FreeCAD wiki

  • Translation's Reasons:

I am working in the procurement department of a state-owned company. In addition to prepare the minutes of the meeting and other documents for the meeting, my main task is to prepare and monitor the contracts. One type of the contracts is the technical contract. I am deeply aware of the importance of CAD software and similar CAD software in the working section.

CAD software is now popular in Vietnam, but 3D design is not the strength of CAD. The engineers prefer the software that is low memory usage, easy to use and has many functions.

Recognizing that FreeCAD has many criteria to meet the needs of the engineers and with the desire to access CAD-like software, I have chosen to translate FreeCAD into Vietnamese to give the community appropriate document.

Especially, FreeCAD's library is mainly related to Mechanical Engineering and Civil Engineering which are also the main part of our company's projects.

3.Contribution Specifications

3.1. Translation Overview
This is my first translation of FreeCAD project. My working section is mainly on Draft.ts file.

Thanks to my co-workers who did give me lots of supports when I processed the translation, my final work is better understood in Vietnamese. Through their working experience, they could help me with the strange terms and show me the real illustration for reference.

Moreover, my team's partner in the Vietnamese team also gave me a hand when spotting the term "$Dim" out. As a result of it, all of us can figure out the right words to convert that term's meaning into Vietnamese.

String source: Displays a dim symbol at the end of the wire

(string No.42, page 1/14,"Draft.ts" file, FreeCAD)

The problem: At first, I translate "Dim" into the meaning that is similar to "blur". Then, @lecongdoo3 found out that "Dim" was written for short for Dimension.
The solution: I had asked my co-worker about that term in CAD Software, he is an experienced engineer and he showed me the visual image of that term in CAD. Besides, he suggested to me the usage of that term in Vietnamese.
The result: Hiển thị biểu tượng kích thước của đường kích thước ở phần cuối của dây dẫn

(Thanks @lecongdoo3 for this screenshot used as my reference)

3.2. Languages:
Source Language: English
Target Language: Vietnamese

3.3. Word count:
This part has 1349 words in English. There are not many untranslated words.
The untranslated words are: 60 words.
The Words translated by MT: 29 words.
The translated words in total are: 1260 words.

3.4. Proofread
My translation part was checked carefully by the Language Manager of the Vietnamese Team - @carlpei. It means that my work was checked and followed in details by the authorized person.

4. Proof of Authorship

You can lookup Crowdin project on the following link, as well as the summary of my activities: Crowdin Project Activity


This part I would like to spend to say many thanks to you and my team for taking your time to follow me and my translation. Moreover, I would like to say a big thank to my Language Manager for his time reading and making proofread in details. I highly appreciated what he has done for our team.
I am so happy to be a part of our team and we are trying our best to bring to our community the useful sources of information. You can check more Vietnamese translation via my team who have Steemit accounts are: lantracy, symnop, adam.tran, lecongdoo3.
Finally, I am so grateful for being an approved translator of Davinci and Utopian.

My other contributions:

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