The Island Siquijor- Visayas escapade

Trip to Siquijor Island. Day 1

It was a day when we went to Siquijor Island!

My best friend @jon24jon24 and I took a 1 hour 30 minutes ferry ride from Cebu to Siquijor that day. We arrived in Siquijor Island around 6:30 in the evening.


It was already dark and rainy that night when we landed on the port.

Since it was raining, we stayed in a shelter for 20 minutes just to wait for the rain to stop. We did not have a place to stay (we like it unplanned), good thing a tricycle driver approached us for help and recommended a resort just near from the shore. So we did not ask any question since it was already dark. To find more place was too risky and we agreed upon the suggestion of the driver.


The place we stayed in was quite nice since the area was clean, quiet and spacious. And the price was 600 pesos only per night.


The view of the place was so relaxing and the sea was really close to our room. We went down the shore since the tide was low and we were able to explore around the shallow waters.


Just imagine how peaceful to live here in this beautiful island.


We went further away from the shore to take a picture of the resort and I know I would drown if the water is in high tide.

Sea creatures on shallow waters

@jon24jon24 and I were amazed of what we saw during our exploration. Many colorful sea creatures were everywhere. Starfish and sea orchins with different size and shape.


I was able to touch them with my hands and feel them while they were moving.


It was too scary though because you might accidentaly prick your hands to their sharp body defenses.


These are the other sea creatures we found and don't worry we returned it back to the water after we took pictures of them.





Bad weather for us


Unluckyly, we could'nt visit around the island because the weather was not good that day. So we had to wait for the next day and we were hoping the weather would be fine.

The Weather was Good on the second day

Thanks God!! No more rain.. 🤗🤗🤗

On the second day, the weather was good and we're happy that we could able to do our itinerary that was supposedly yesterday.

The first beauty spot we visited was "The Enchanting Cambugahay Falls at Lazi." The drive to get there took about 45minutes from our main location (island center of Siquijor).



You will be amaze because beauty of this place is magnificent.



The next Stop..

After the falls, we went straight to the fish spa that they called as Old Enchanted Balete Tree. I asked where the clear water was coming from and the workers there told us it was from the side of the tree and saw the underwater tunnel/cave just the side of the Old balare tree.

Too scary because it's very deep and slippy that you might fall into it.

Best part was when we were able to relax..


I was relaxed by then because of the small and big fishes nibbling on my feet. I bet you'll be tickled if you experience it.

Mini zoo


On the side of the Fish spa.. a mini zoo was built there with few local animals like monkeys, birds, coconut crabs, chickens and there this one animal that I forgot the name (very rare animal). Sorry I was not able to take picture of it.


This black hawk is tamed so it's okay to touch and feed them closely.

Refreshing coconut juice!!

The coconut juice was love


Since we're hungry and thirsty, the coconut meat and juice made us energized and refreshed. Guess what! the price was cheap too!! It was only 30pesos.

You can see on my face how satisfied I was to drink the coconut juice, a very fresh and sweet taste.. I really love it..


Of course, after you drink all the juice don't forget to eat also the meat inside.. yummy..


The meat was so tender to eat and made my tummy full

Next stop

The century-catholic church


The San Isidro Labrador Parish Church, also known as Lazi Church, is a Roman Catholic church found in Lazi.. Imagine how long they built this church and to think how they manage to carry all the materials to built it back in the day.

The other side of the island

Salagdoon beach resort


Salagdoon beach is well known for their cliff jumping..
but I'm sorry I was afraid to jump in a high cliff like this. But I'm proud of @jon24jon24 because he was brave enough to jump this high.

Kayaking and snorkling in open sea..


I know its weird to think about shark. I'm sorry of being paranoid if the water is too deep already.

I'm just afraid specially if I was left alone in the water. That is why it's a no-no for me. Blame it on the shark movies.


Guess who?


Guess the person who was blown by the wind and could not manage to control his paddles. Too hilarious because he went too far from shore and took him around 30 minutes before he was able to return back. Sorry @jon24jon24 Haha.

Lets get out of the water now..

Our last tourist destination - Guiwanon Spring Park.


It was a mangrove preservation and protection area in Siquijor. The mangroves indeed well preserved in this place.


The scenery was beautiful too because of the wooden channels. You can walk through this amazing spot and check the small mangroves that grows everywhere.


Back to the town proper

After a wholeday roaming around ..


We went back to the town proper of the Island of Siquijor and had a pizza break before packing up again for our next Visayas Escapade.

Farewell Siquijor!!!!


For 2 days I stayed in this island. It was a wonderful and a breathtaking island to go to. I promise I'll be back soon and will surely stay longer to visit more places that I miss out. Till the next Adventure!!


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