PushUps and Isometrics


I didn't realize just how much we can exercise our body in allowing ourselves to go way more slow in our movements and even just stopping and holding positions more and to explore resting within our holds.

I've been making pushUps a part of my every day life.

I started with a push to do 100 a day every single day...to see what kind of results I could achieve. I did that for 17 days in a row....then I became imbalanced where I had done so much pushing myself forward without enough pulling myself back. I became really tight/sore in my shoulders/chest.

I had to adjust my approach.

I had to widen my outlook and perspective.

The pushUps initially was a point of wanting to do something simple for myself that could be a long term benefit to my body well being here.

I continue to do pushUps - I've let go of a number...atleast for the time being. I've been experimenting more with my movements within doing a pushup...like how slow can I go....how am I breathing....what about moving more like this or move like that....challenging different ways to move within the basic movement of a pushup.

What's been happening within my pushUp experimentation is that I am becoming more aware of parts of myself in my body. Something that I've given more attention to recently, is my hands. I've been playing with how I position my hands. I've also been challenging my strength in my hands with out I push on the ground.

I've also been exploring my core more. I've allowed myself to play/experiment with holding myself in an upright pushup position with my core engaged and lift one of my hands off the ground. This has opened up parts of my core that have been like dormant for years. It's something I am really enjoying.

Wide open squats has been something I've been exploring and playing with - where the goals is to basically to sit while standing up....where you go into a low squat with legs opened way up and your fee pointed outward to the sides...left foot pointing left....right foot pointing right.

What I am really enjoying about this stuff is that by working with my own body I am able to open up and unlock all of these parts of myself I didn't even realize I was resisting and blocking myself access to.

It's interesting also because it's like all I need is my body to work out my body. I do not require to go to some special place. I do not require special equipment. I am easy in accommodating for the care taking of my body.

In creating these natural organic exercise habits it's like no big deal to make a space wherever I am to do some pushUps. In this way pushUps and squats are very accommodating....and I love creating really awesome accommodations.

In terms of routine and structure with timing and planning - I've been a bit relaxed about this. I work a lot from a desk...and in this way I create breaks....times for me to get up and move myself....so at the moment my approach to exercise is to accommodate for my otherwise very sedentary lifestyle.

The point is becoming increasingly obvious how consistency in application is it's own reward. There is great satisfaction in making the time to do things from a starting point of care and appreciation. Gratitude is a great attitude.

I am exploring what it means to live gratitude in caring for my body on a day to day basis. It's been a fun journey thus far!


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