#ulog 008: Food trip in the highlands

Today's task is again challenging as usual. But still we manage to make fun of all the struggles and just continue to work hard. Today's survey route extends to the highlands of Barangay San Benigno in Cabarroguis, Quirino. The objective today is to make a summary of the electric consumers in the area and mark or acquire the geographical coordinates (with the use of a GPS tool) of all the consumers and the electric posts in the said route. Our service vehicle was a 4 wheel drive pick up because the terrain was muddy and unsurfaced. Near the end of the route, our pick up truck could no longer make it because it was the dead end for motorized vehicles. So we were back on foot and went up the highlands the hard way.

DSC_0014.JPGWe made our way across 4 streams during our trek. The waters were clean and calm, without any sign of pollution or abuse from humans.

DSC_0009.JPGJay Ar picks some hot chili we found along the trail. Eating is better enjoyed with these hot chili. My diet would be in trouble again, thanks to these hotties.

DSC_0001.JPGHealthy growing wild ampalaya everywhere. Remember that these plants are not cultivated, they just grow on their own in the wild.

DSC_0002.JPGI was able to pick some ampalaya tops and leaves to take home later. The vines are very green and healthy i can't wait to go home and have a taste of these green tops.

During the trek, we noticed a very healthy germination and growth of a certain variety of ampalaya (bitter gourd) we call 'balang nga parya" which means wild ampalaya/bitter gourd literally. Ilocanos, especially the ones in the highlands prefer this variety over the cultivated ones in the farm. Ampalaya leaves are often made into salads flavored by kamatis and bagoong which turns out to be one of my favourites. Sometimes the leaves are mixed with chicken when cooking tinola. The fruits are made into pinakbet by locals which actually tastes good. Everywhere are groups of healthy growing bananas and other vegetables. It is very evident that the locals here are very passionate on farming.

DSC_0026.JPGThe sow was tied to the roots of a huge tree so it could not wander around the wild and get lost with its little ones.

DSC_0022.JPGAfter a short while, the piglets begin to gather around for feeding time.

Along the way, we found ourselves in contact with this nursing sow. We were too glad to meet her very cute piglets. It was a very relaxing event for us since this was a sign that a house was near by where we could ask for some water and have short rest before moving along to the top.

DSC_0029.JPGThe villagers and guests in the wedding ceremony line up for food. Everybody was welcome. This is how they are in the highlands, everyone is welcome to eat.

DSC_0028.JPGFor this event only, they prepared ten big pigs for the visitors. There was the usual adobo, kilawen, igado, sinam it and dinuguan among other dishes.

DSC_0031.JPGJust look at the very large wok they used to cook rice. This was just one of the many woks they used. There was plenty of food for everyone.

DSC_0035.JPGEveryone was happy because our stomachs were happy. That is me in the orange shirt enjoying my meal. Note the improvised plates we used. They are actually made from banana buds which has been a tradition here. It adds more fun while eating actually.

It was high noon when we arrived to the community. There was this wedding ceremony going on and we were all of a sudden invited as guests in the said event. Without hesitation we were very glad to be welcomed by the villagers. They offered us drinks and food. We had so much fun with them. All the challenges going there were all worthwhile.

Thank you so much for dropping by. i hope you liked my #ulog today.


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