#Ulog Going Back to the Gym Day # 15 : Gaining Weight For Me is A Normal Thing For Me Now

Hello again fellow Steemians and readers once again I am back and better than ever, as you may know I almost loss 5% body fat even though I increased in terms of total body weight. Which clearly means that the weight I am gaining is muscles and not fat. When I find out that information I was greatly relieved that I thought I was not doing any kind of progress.

Now that I know I am doing a good progress it might be time to step up my A Game as now I really want to focus on losing more body fat, I just realized that working out is not enough anymore and cutting of my calorie intake will help me progress faster.

The Workout

During this day I have workout my back and shoulders and the latter is what I will show you today. This workouts must also now be frequent if I also want to progress faster, the more workouts I did every week the higher my BMR will be as well as gaining more muscles. But also I should keep in mind that muscle recovery is also another thing to watch out because over-training a muscle won't have any positive effects.

Exercise # 1 : Seated Overhead Dumbbell Press

Overhead Dumbbell Presses are my first workout for starting my Shoulder Routine, this is a good starting workout as well as this is one of the workouts you need to go heavy with if you are aiming for muscle hypertrophy. Doing 4-5 Sets and increasing weights is a must if you want to increase strength as well as muscle size.

Exercise # 2 : Dumbbell Lateral Raise

If  you think Lateral Rises are easy than think again. Middle delts is one of the hardest muscles to grow as unlike the front shoulder it is not involve in other body part workouts such as your chest or back workouts. The heaviest I can lift without destroying my form is 20 pounds which I think is heavy for me.

Exercise # 3 : Front Raises

I only did this in order for my front shoulder to have a workout but I do not always do this as already the anterior part of my deltoids has done enough workouts together with my chest presses. So I don't want to overdo it and make my front shoulders bigger than the rest of my shoulder muscles.

Exercise # 4 : Upright Row

Upright Row on the EZ bar is like an all-in one workout just like squats and dealift, but it focuses more on your arms as well as shoulder muscles. With this movement you are not only working out your shoulder muscles but also your Biceps as well as some part of your Chest.

Exercise # 5 : Dumbbell Shrugs

And lastly dumbbell shrugs, shrugs are one of the things I also need to focus in as this has emphasis on your trapezius muscles which is the muscle seen in your neck. This is also one major large muscle found together at your back. 

The Result

Yes I gained weight again as I have yet to start on controlling my diet, but the good thing is now I am a better place as my body fat decrease considerably, to help out the process I now need to limit the food intake I am doing in order for my abs to show or even just lose the love handles I currently have. 

This ain't still the time to be comfortable with as I have a lot to burn and knowing that I just lose just 4.8% body fat which is not near to what I want to accomplice, I still need to burn that 15% in order to make my body be appealing to other people. That is all for now. I hope that you like what you have read as I put some time and effort on creating this post. I hope that I will see you next time with my next post.

Did You Missed out on my Going Back to the Gym Series? Here are the previous posts in my series.

Day # 1, 2, 3,4,5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10, 11, 12, 13, and 14

shots were taken from my Galaxy S9 +

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