
It never goes out a day that I was never stressed out. Since, I started my internship at Coca-Cola Femsa Philippines, Inc., I never got the chance to relax and unwind because it really is a big company and you ought to have a good performance to have a good background with the internship. The task that are given to us were quite tedious but it was fun and I really have applied my learnings in school. Anyways, being stressed out means I should reward my self for doing a good job. So, my boyfriend and I went to J-centre mall to grab dinner and we went to this super mouth watering diner, The SNAKYARD.
Snakyard is a new diner in J- centre mall which attracts many customers due to its ambiance. Their specialty is the super good looking porkchops. Their porkchops varies in three different sauce flavors which are the pesto porkchop, the sour cream porkchop and lastly the hangover porkchop.
Pesto porkchop is just a plain porkchop which is perfectly seasoned and garnished with cucumber. What caught our attentions were the sour cream and the hangover porkchops because of their creamy and cheesy sauce on top of the porkchop.

Image source: google

Quite a pricey looking chop, right? But NO. These porkchops may tend to look expensive but they are very cheap. It wouldn't cost you much eating Snakyard because all of their foods really fit our budget.

Image source: google

I also love the number for serving the orders. They are so cute and they really did recycled their used cans of softdrinks.
The porkchops were only 120 pesos and about $2-$3, I guess. It doesn't cost a lot but it can really satisfy your cravings.

The place is also good for relaxing because of its good and beautiful ambiance. Every now and then, people would usually go to places where they can be comfortable with and snackyard is one of the places to visit.




If you don't much like being inside with lots of people, you can go outside to eat.
It really did satify my tummy and I sure am happy and relaxed that I came to this place.

They do not only sell porkchops but they also have a variety of foods to choose from. The snakyard has nachos, carbonara, ground beef and pork and etc.

See the prices for other variety of food to chose from. It's still affordable and can really fill and make your tummy very happy.


Food would even taste more good if you share it with someone you love. It's just a plus one that you get to unwind your stress with a happy tummy and and a happy heart.

That's all I have to share for now. Stay tuned for more. Thank you for reading. 😊😘


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