Travelling to a new country: mission accomplished!

Since a few years back, I placed as a life goal to visit a new country every year. Knowing a new place is my minimum, if a new country ends up being difficult; and this year, I barely made it. But taking advantage of my last vacations of the year... new country: check!


And yeah, Il Duomo, the well know cathedral of Milan, is as impressive as I was told! Italy is so close to my home country, but my travels never took me here, until now! Milan will be my starting point, and I plan to explore all around. Starting by this cool city, of course! And visiting in this season has a few bonus.


Although we're almost entering the new year, there's still part of the Christmas mood, and we can still find the Christmas markets selling all sorts of goods. Not that the city lacks shopping opportunities year round...


The famous Gallerias were crowded; given the beautiful architecture, it's a must see, even if shopping is not your thing (as me!)


I prefer to wonder through the city, enjoying the mood. You always find cool things to see, like this street art.


This one was near a church, on corso di porta ticinese.


As golden hour was approaching, even the normal city buildings looked great!


And one of the things i liked seeing the most? Navigli district!


This part of the city has canals, and some of the streets are bordered with cafes and restaurants, where you can grab an apperitivo in a romantic atmosphere. And if you are travelling alone... enjoy the show!


If you like photography, the photo opportunities here, especially at this hour, are simply amazing!



Already loving Italy; let's see what the rest of the vacations will bring!

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