Lithuania the (vally of honey)


The charm of Lithuania is not only in beautiful nature. Traveling along the river Nemunas, it is worth to visit the real "Valley of honey" in the village of Shilinishki (Lithuanian Šilininski). Here you can try up to 10 kinds of honey. On a trip for honey, go with your best friends. In the Lithuanian language, the word "bichuliai" (lith. Bičiuliai) comes from Lithuanian word "bees" (Lith. Bitės). "Bičiuliste" (lith. Bičiulystė) means strong and lasting relationship with help, sincerity and trust.


The most delicious of course, "Spring honey" is that the bees are collected from oak, maple, chestnut, apple, pear and dandelion. Spring honey is thicker, light.
Honey from hawthorn, with a rather strange taste is recommended to take after a heart attack, with heart rhythm disturbances.
The sweetest honey is acacia, almost white, with a slight noticeable cream or green tinge. This honey may not crystallize for two years.
Raspberry honey, not as sweet as acacia, it has a little acid, reminiscent of raspberry tea.
Lime honey reminds us of our childhood, when a spoonful of honey saved our throat and lowered the fever during colds.
A completely different taste for honey, which is extracted not from nectar, but from woody juice. It has a light aroma of ammonia. It is liquid and does not crystallize at all.
Not everyone can like honey brought from the forest, despite the floral fragrance, it has a medicinal taste.
Rapeseed honey leaves a aftertaste of butter. Being very greasy, it is the least allergic.
Buckwheat honey is a bitter taste and smell, it has more iron and protein than others.
Meadow honey, the most delicious summer honey. Very sweet, bright with a fruity taste.





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