The cutest Australian Animals

Australia is blessed with an abundant array of animals unique to the Land Down Under, but in this post I’m going to focus on my favourite Australian animals incl. pictures.

Everyone’s favourite Australian animal. When you think of Australia you think of kangaroos. While we don’t ride them to school contrary to many foreigners’ beliefs, they are regularly found hopping around large parks or outer suburban bushland across Australia’s cities.

This is the best Kangaroo picture I took:

Cuddly, fluffy and adorable koala bears… that aren’t bears or cuddly. The Koala might look soft and huggable, but they have sharp claws and are highly unsociable animals. They spent 20 hours a day sleeping, so you see them very rarely awake.

This Koala mum with baby is possibly the cutest thing I have seen:

The Emu is the largest bird native to Australia. Emus can’t fly, but they can sprint up to 50km/h. The birds are nomadic and usually feed on plants and insects. When you drive around Australia you have to be very careful for Emu's. They are generally a bit stupid and just jump in front of your car because they get distracted by light.

This picture is taken during our road trip:

This short-legged marsupial is native to Australia. They grow to 1 metre in length and are often considered a cross between a rat and a bear. Another cuddly creature that can be dangerous for humans, because of their claws and teeth. Anyway, they look super cute!


The happiest animal in the world! You can read more about quokkas in my post about the Quokka's!


My favourite bird! They are noisy but super funny with their "hair". Super smart birds too.

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