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Travel Pro Tip #30: How to Live Travel Pro! Inspired by @jedau. Part Four: Clean Up Your Life!

Clean Up Your Life!

This article could be called Less is More part two. As we are still on the topic of cleaning up and simplifying our lives so we can Live Travel Pro! In last week's article we discussed why Less is More is a Travel Pro Philosophy and how it is a key part in simplifying one's life. In this part we will talk a little bit about how we can make this happen.

One must first understand that more "STUFF" is more "STUFF". Less "STUFF" is more "FREEDOM". Less bills and less purchases equals more money saved. More money saved equals more freedom. More freedom equals more free time and that is what living Travel Pro is all about; being extremely wealthy in free time!

Having less things to take care of equals more time to take care of yourself! Less responsibilities and obligations means more time to live the life that you want! So this is all part of the philosophy of How to Live Life Travel Pro!

Where do I begin? I'm already drowning in debt, bills, and STUFF!

Cleaning up ones life, cleaning up one's mess, or even worsely stated; cleaning up the living hell one has created for themselves! This is probably one of the most challenging steps to accomplish in order to live travel pro.

It took me over a year and with help from others to completely relieve myself of the mess I created from years of accumulating STUFF. I was able to get all my STUFF down to the point where I have one box of memorable things I can't throw away which is stored with my father; and everything else I can fit in my backpack.

If you've ever seen that TV show Hoarders, what they do on that show is basically the process. If you really want to live Travel Pro and travel the world endlessly with hardly an ounce of worry, concern, or stress; you will have to get rid of almost everything you own!

What!!! But I can't get rid of my cast iron skillet, I've been using it for 10 years I love this skillet. What about my wedding photos! Is this Travel Pro guy insane? What about my diploma hanging on the wall. This is my favorite blanket since I was a child. My baseball glove I've had since, forever!

Do you own these things? Or do they own you? Like I said I have a box of stuff I would never throw away, but trust me I've thrown away things many people probably would not have. You literally are going to have to give up some things you cherish or that box being stored at Aunt Suzzy's house gets bigger and bigger.

I would start the process, by going through your house from top to bottom, and just start throwing out stuff that is more or less garbage. You know, that spring cleaning mentality. It's a great place to start.

From there you have a garage sale or a series of garage sales, then you give the rest away to charity or to friends. Finally you have two piles; one is for what you'll be traveling with and it can fit into a backpack and the other is that box of things you just can't throw away, like photo albums and such. That goes to a trusted family member or friend.

During this whole process you are selling your house or time is leading up to that rental lease running out. Preferably you're selling the house coming into a huge chunk of cash to get working safely for you which was discussed in part one and two of this series, or you'll be renting the house and having that rental income to help you Live Travel Pro.

Also around this time you are going to need to sell your car; and in comes another pile of cash or at least the end of recurring car loan payments. No more insurance payments and pumping gasoline becomes a thing of the past. You're almost Living Travel Pro!

All Cleaned up and Ready to Travel Pro!

Since you just uprooted yourself from all your stuff. You'll now be in the position to start planning your first travel rout and explore some parts of the world you've always wanted to. Start slow, travel slow, and get a feel for your new lifestyle.

Saying goodbye to friends and family may be a huge challenge for you, and for others you may feel you can't get away fast enough! However this is one of the more difficult parts. Before committing to life Travel Pro you have to consider if you can or want to separate from all your stuff as well as the people and community you will be leaving; and if your new found Travel Pro Freedom will be worth it in the first place.

However one thing that will naturally happen at this point upon your first travel venture is this mind blowing realization. Let's say you're nervous so you want to just take it easy close to the states and you spend your first Travel Pro month in a lovely place in Mexico called Playa Del Carmen.

You make a Travel Pro Deal and rent a furnished small apartment walking distance form the beach for $100 a week no deposit, no contract, all included. Well, suddenly you'll realize....last month this time you had a $250 electric bill to pay, rent was $850, internet and cable was another $120, Water bill that was $50, cellphone you just pay by how you use it now, before it was $100 a month, car insurance that was another $60. Holy Smokes! You literally have no bills to pay!

Welcome to the joys of Living Life Travel Pro. Clean up your life and Live Life Travel Pro! Until next time - Dan "World Travel Pro!"

Not To be Missed!

How to Live Travel Pro

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

With over 11 years of travel experience I answer travel and international lifestyle questions. Leave a question in the comments and I may make a Steemit post just for you!

Photo Credit: World Travel Pro!

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