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Adventure in Laos: 25 Kilometer Hike to Utopia! Part Two

My Hike to Utopia really turned into an epic journey and you really don't want to miss part one. Now for part two. We continue down the road on our way to Blue Lagoon Utopia. We pass an elementary school and a medical center. At this point I'm starting to sweat. I'm having a hard time believing how strong the sun is, it's only 8:30 in the morning.

I'm happy to see a sign for the lagoon and looking forward to having a swim once arriving.

I walk a half a kilometer down the road. It's not even 9am and I'm already looking for shade.

I turn past the bend and see this sign. I follow the road and pay an entrance fee of $1.25. The boy who takes my money offers me a slice of the mango he was eating. I accept and say thank you in Lao, "Capt-Chi"!

We've made it to Utopia!

Feeling great I decide to jump into the fresh clear water. It was early, only 9am and there were just a few Korean tourist at this time. I enjoyed the swim and rested up. I knew the second half of my hike would be a challenge with the sun so strong. There wasn't much more to see here other than the Lagoon, but that's exactly what I was looking for!

I only stay half an hour as I know it's wise to get going before the sun becomes even stronger. I dampen the towel and put it over my shoulders and head off.

I start back and I'm quickly on the road that will complete a loop. I'll be on the other side of this mountain and heading towards a different bridge that will take me back over the Nam Song River. I soon find myself in a lovely little village. The kids in the window were excited to see me.

What a beautiful rice field. After taking this photo I look down and see three boys spear fishing in a water hole! Maybe I should join them it's hot at this point maybe 10am.

I continue a short ways further and see a beautiful Buddhist Temple with the mountains in the background.

Uh-Oh Korean Tourist in Buggies!!

I walk past kilometers of banana fields and find myself at a stone quarry.

I now understand the purpose of the 25 ton bridges. After passing the rock quarry every 10 minutes a huge truck like this one would pass kicking up a bunch of dust. At this point it's near 11am and the sun is beating down. Heat exhaustion is becoming a real threat and is in the back of my mind. Having walked close to 20 kilometers already with another half dozen or more to go I knew this would be the hardest part of my journey. Let's see how we make out in the third and final part three tomorrow.

Not To be Missed!

Travel Tip #18: How to Decide to Stay or Go!

World Travel Report #11: Vientiane Laos

Real Life Captured #1: Luang Prabang Laos, Part One (15 photos and historic description)

Travel Super Foods #2: Jack Fruit in Laos!

With over 10 years of travel experience I answer travel and international lifestyle questions. Leave a question in the comments and I may make a video just for you!

Photo Credit: World Travel Pro!

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