My trip to Germany part 5 Leipzig

Good day dear mates! @travoved is here!

As you can remember from previous part of my story we went to Leipzig, where we arrived almost at the night.

In Leipzig we settled in Westin hotel where by the way located Falco restaurant which has three stars of Michelin.

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On next day when I finished all my affairs closer to the evening. As so as we had free time we decided to walk around evening Leipzig and start our acquaintance with the city.

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During this evening walk we visited monument to Johann Sebastian Bach which is located near St. Foma church.

The creator of Johann Sebastian Bach's bronze sculpture 2.45 meters high, mounted on a shell shell base, is sculptor Karl Zeffner. The height of the pedestal is 3.2 meters. Bach is depicted standing in front of an organ, with a scroll of notes in his right hand. His gaze is fixed on the distance, the author of famous musical compositions reflects on the creation of new works.

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Then we visited the deepest metro station Wilhelm Leuschner Platz.

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After it we went to shoping center with such monuments with scenes from Faust and of course must visited place was monument to creator of Faust - Johann Goethe.

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When our cultural part for this evening was almost finished and we went to restaurant we noticed such interesting places like st. Nikolas church or monument to Albrecht Thaer.

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At Augustplatz we saw an opera house - The Leipzig Opera.

The Leipzig Opera traces its establishment to the year 1693, making it the third oldest opera venue in Europe after La Fenice (Venice, Italy) and the Hamburg State Opera (Hamburg, Germany). The director of many of those early operas at the original Opernhaus auf dem Brühl [de] (also: Oper am Brühl) was Telemann.
The Leipzig Opera does not have its own opera orchestra – the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra performs as its orchestra. This relationship began in 1766 with performances of the Singspiel Die verwandelten Weiber, oder Der Teufel ist los by Johann Adam Hiller.

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And then went trough Leipzig Univercity

one of the world's oldest universities and the second-oldest university (by consecutive years of existence) in Germany. The university was founded on December 2, 1409 by Frederick I, Elector of Saxony and his brother William II, Margrave of Meissen, and originally comprised the four scholastic faculties. Since its inception, the university has engaged in teaching and research for over 600 years without interruption.

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So we came to the Ratskeller Leipzig restaurant about which I told you earlier.

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After our dinner on the way to hotel we suddenly saw this rare cars from USSR.

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That's how we spent our first day in Leipzig. On the next day were need to go to the neighboring city - Halle. But about it I'll tell you in next time.

P.s. previous parts of my trip you can find at this links:
Berlin part 1
Tasteem overview of streetfood in Berlin
Tasteem overview of Schifferboerse restaurant in Hamburg
Tasteem overview of Schnitzelei restaurant in Berlin
Tasteem overview of Gilden im Zims restaurant in Cologne
Tasteem overview of Bohm's Herrenkeller restaurant in Nuremberg
Tasteem overview of Ratskeller Leipzig restaurant

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