Travelman Northern Thailand: An afternoon walk around Chiang Mi's Old City

As of yesterday, I'm in the Chiang Mi Province's capital city, aptly named, Chiang Mi. More specifically, I'm in the old city. It's the area of town where a lot of tourists stay. I've noticed that this city attracts a slightly older tourist crowd. I've seen a lot of people I'd be sooner to peg at thirty than twenty. Maybe it's because this is the city in Thailand a lot of tourists like the most so they return again a few years later, I don't know, just a theory.

Here's a morning view from the balcony of my Hotel room...


Here's a part of the wall that was built around the old city a long, long time ago (not in a galaxy far, far away though. At least, to the extent of my knowledge)...


I think they built the wall to keep out the White Walkers the last time winter came to Thailand, but don't quote me on that. Actually it was built to keep out the Mongels and the Bamar people of the Taungoo Dynasty. They have wall pieces at intersections that connect the two sides of the street. They have to connect sides of the street because, besides for the wall, they also built a moat...


I think it's stocked with alligators, piranhas, and sharks, but don't quote me on that either...

Here's one of the intersections...


Chiang Mi has plenty of temples. Here's a couple I saw walking around the aproximately 1 square mile of the Old City...




Like a cheap-ass bastard, I didn't put any money in the pots for the monks. Math Trivia from Travelman- Did you know that 108 is a multiple of nine, and like all multiples of nine, up to 9 x 20, the digits in the product add up to nine? After twenty it gets more complicated, but the digits in 9 x21 add up to 18 and 1+8 is nine.

I think these are the dragons that helped in defeating the White Walkers...






I think this one above and below is a Buddhist temple dedicated to the Disney god Dumbo, not quite sure. This was an active temple, monks everywhere. While I was there a monk was blessing a baby and an SUV (no joke).


Here is a small shrine outside a shop...


Notice the cookie and glass of water. Apparently, as far as I can figure, these were left out two months early for Santa (no carrots for the reindeer though). I kid, I kid! I kid because I'm a foolish American. I'm guessing they were left as an offering to a god, who unlike Santa is lactose intolerant...


Here is the Ancient Temple of Chevrolet (the "t" is silent). Locals say this temple is possibly more than TWENTY years old! Here they worship the gods Nova, Impala, Corvette, and Silverado which they represent in the form of something they call an automobile (roughly translated). The "automobiles" are thought to be females. It is said that if you walk inside the temple and stand admiring one of the automobiles, a Chevrolet devotee in a suit will walk up to you and say, "She's a 'beaut! Aint she." At this time you are advised to nod and make an exit, unless you are interested in the sacred under coating...


I'm lucky enough to have the Temple of Chevrolet at the end of the alley where I'm staying, it makes a great landmark to know when I'm approaching my hotel.

I discovered that you can get a massage from a female ex-con. They have more than one of these places in the old city. They are meant to rehabilitate the former prisoners and teach them a skill. I'm not sure if you can pay in cigarettes as well as Baht. I'll ask if I go get a massage...


This is a very long row of very tightly parked motorbikes...


Shortly after I took the photo I kicked the bikes over and watched them fall like dominos. I waited for the Thai gangsters who owned them to come out and attack me. I fought all 58 of them off with the Kenpo Karate I learned at the strip mall in Brunswick, Ohio when I was sixteen. I had three months of study to become a purple belt. I'm basically Bruce Lee. ...Okay, maybe that was more of a Walter Mitty-like hallucination, but it's still a lot of bikes.

Here's a place where you can pay to take a nap in Michael Jackson's bed...


I don't think this place studies what it looks like. Although it would be great to get a graduate degree in hugs....


This is their ghostbuster-esque mobile that they jump in and race off to rescue someone who really needs a hug...


Thailand is serious about their chess, otherwise Tim Rice and Abba would not have written a musical about it. "Can't be too careful with your company. I can feel the devil walking next to me" ...


I think they just kept these around so 1950's Superman has a place to change...


The fanciest, best tasting $1.50 Mocha Latte I've ever been served...


And a nice bookend to the post, a pic of the sunset from my balcony...


Awe, isn't that so nice!

As always, thanks for stopping by. We hope you enjoyed the show, and please leave your 3-D glasses in the bin at the exits on your way out.

!steemitworldmap 18.7845 lat 98.9889 long Afternoon walk in the Old City of Chiang Mi d3scr

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