Jaw Surgery: 4 Weeks Post Op!


Today marks 4 weeks post jaw surgery. I continue to be amazed at how remarkable the human body is. I am still not 100% and won't be for quite some time still. I don't let that get me down because I know I'm trying my best everyday and can't believe where I am after 28 days. I remain quite numb but know I'm regaining feeling each day because of the tingling sensations I'm having! Some more FUN things that have happened as I recover:
▪️My 2nd post op appointment at U of M went incredibly well! My nurse looked at me and said, "Lauren, you have like no swelling. Most patients at week 4 definitely still have swelling." That made me feel awesome. Glad to know I'm still very much ahead of the curve. Yay!
▪️I smiled for the first time in a photo today. I still feel dumb but know as my nerves and muscles wake up, my smile will resume to its normal spot!
▪️I can drink La Croix Sparkling H2O again! Need I say more?! I can drink wine too but haven't been in the mood. Imagine that?!
▪️In addition to shakes, I keep trying to eat a new "soft" food each day.
▪️Sushi is by far my favorite food. I have totally missed it over the past month! I asked Josh if we could try to go tonight. He said sure! So we did! I ordered spicy tuna on top of a bed of rice - I almost started crying at how good it was! We're talking heaven!
▪️Each day gets better and something new is revealed. Thank you for ALL of your support along this journey! ❤️

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