TAIWAN: World Famous Beef Noodle Soup and Dumplings!

Waking up this morning after a relatively heavy night of drinking Taiwan Gold Beer in a small bar in the middle of the Zhongshan district of Taipei, I have been craving something savoury and something filling.

It's not often that I wake up hungry but Taiwanese food is just too good.

So hungover, tired and hungry I head out in search for the most iconic Taiwanese dish you could think of... BEEF NOODLE SOUP.

A few streets adjacent to where I'm staying is a street, more accurately, many streets, that are brimming to the edges with local eateries and food vendors!

After less that 5 minutes of walking in the dense 30+ degree heat of the concrete jungle I stumbled across a simple restaurant. Maybe it was the scent of great food or the gentle gust of cold air from the AC that pulled me inside but I'm too hungry to be picky!

That's where I found it. The best tasting beef noodle soup you could think of with some cabbage and pork filled dumplings as side dish.


I've never been great at taking photos of food but trust me when I say that this meal looked like an oasis to my tired and hungover filled dessert!


To summarise, I now feel less like the bottom of a trash can and more ready to exist today!

What's your favourite hangover food?

What's your favourite Taiwanese dish?

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