Traveling to France..then of course you have to go to Paris!


Unfortunately, my phone network stopped working as soon as I arrived in Paris which in turn made it incredibly challenging to travel to my hotel. Luckily, I took a few screenshots of the map and directions to my hotel before I left Norway (Since, I tend to be pretty unlucky I thought I should save pictures of the map just incase this happens...). I managed to asked locals to point me in the right direction which was a relief (Suppose to take 15 mins but it actually took me an hour :D )


So Tip 1:

If you are using giffgaff (U.K. Cell network service provider) for some reason they will not notify you if your credit was about to run out. Therefore, checking your credit frequently would be very wise.

A friend from the U.K. was also in Paris on that day so we decided to go to a live music event at ‘La Cigale’ where an Irish band ‘Doolin’ was playing.

-La Cigale-

To be honest, I never listened to Irish songs in the past but it turned out to be rather good; even the old lady in front of me was dancing non-stop for 3 hours (who my friend said was the future me…for some reason :D).

Awesome shades eh? :D

The next day I met one of the nicest French friend (Antoine) whom I met in Canterbury.
We went to:

  1. Sacre Coeur (Cathedral)
  2. Montmartre
  3. La tire – Bouchon Creperie (Café)
  4. Cité
    4.1. Ile de la cite
    4.1.1. Fete du pain
    4.2.1. notfedame (Cathedral)
  5. Ile Saint-Louis
  6. Glace Berthillon
  7. Les quais de seines (Paris Beach)
  8. Hotel de Ville
  9. Le Centre Pompidou (Museum)
  10. Chátele
  11. Arc de Triomphe
  12. Av. Des champe – Elyees
  13. Unisex (Café)
  14. Place de la concorde
  15. Jardin des Tuileries
  16. Pyramide du Louvre
  17. Le Palais Royal
  18. Galerie Vivienne
  19. Palais Brongniart
  20. Boulevard Montmartre
  21. Galeries Lafayette Haussman
  22. Le biscornu (Pub)

-Sacre Coeur (Cathedral)-

-Sacre Coeur (Cathedral)-


-Ile Saint-Louis-

-Les Halles-

-Tuileries Garden-

-Pyramide du Louvre-

-Taken on top of Galeries Lafayette Haussman-

-Glace Berthillon (The Best Ice Cream I ever had)-

We literally walked 21.8km that day..even Antoine was so proud and amazed that we managed to see everything. (So if any of you are planning to visit all these places at once – here’s prove that it is doable!)

The third day was definitely a day to relax in ‘Jardins, Jardin aux Tuileries’ park


…which turned into a very strange experience where a stranger randomly came up to me and offered to take me around and just grabbed my hand and dragged me around the park pointing at all the trees we passed XD and of course at that point I used the oldest trick in the book which many of you know must be guilty of using… texting a friend and telling them to call you plus pretending there’s some sort of emergency.

After running around the park with some stranger and running away from him I went to the ‘Hippopotamas’ (Paris 2e Opera) to try ‘Tartare’ (Raw beef + Raw egg) and it was actually very good and was not as I expected.


Other places (restaurants/cafes) to go in Paris:

  • Imago Resto (Tapas)

  • Brasserie Cordial café & restaurant

  • El Monaco



Hope you guys enjoyed my post! :)

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