Visit Vienna, the most liveable city for 2017! (and 2010-2016)


So, today I decided to write a short report about the city I currently live in, Vienna. Vienna just got named "The most liveable city 2017" by the Telegraph (for the eighth year in a row, and I want to show you why it is that great.

We have the famous Stephansdom


The Stephansdom is the most famous building of Austria and the center of Vienna. It is the national landmark and lovely called "Steffl" by the Viennese. The church has been built from 1137 to 1147. Everybody is allowed to visit it on seven days per week and visitors can go up the 136 meter high southern tower to enjoy an amazing view over Vienna.

The Vienna Giant Ferris Wheel and the Prater


The Vienna Giant Ferris Wheel is also one of the most known attractions of Vienna. You can find it in our Prater, a giant amusement park where we like to go on weekends. To be honest, I didn't take a ride on the ferris wheel for quite a long time but I know you can see hundreds of kilometers from up there. It is also possible to eat our famous Wiener Schnitzel while driving in one of its gondolas.

Schönbrunn Castle


Schönbrunn Castle is, as I think, the most beautiful place you can visit while staying in Vienna. It is a giant palace with a super beautiful park around it. It has been built as a home for our emperor and also became the place where our beloved empress "Sissi" lived.



Our Käsekrainer is the food what we Viennese love the most. It is a thick sausage filled with meat and cheese and you can get it at one of our hundreds "Würstelstände". The "Würstelstand" is a small house at the street where you can buy drinks and food and can be found everywhere in Vienna. If you are brave enough you can try to order in our own slang, "A eitrige und a sechzener blech" (you will get a Käsekrainer and a beer).

Go out at the Donaukanal


The Donaukanal is the shore of the Danube and where we go out at night. You can enjoy the best cocktails there and also find some nightclubs near the shores. It also is a meeting point for creative minds, since it is allowed to paint graffiti there.

Shop at the famous Kärtnerstraße


The Kärtnerstraße (Carinthian street) is the most expensive street to live at in Vienna (e.g. the house on the right has recently been sold for €120M). The street starts at the Stephansdom and ends at our opera house. Some of the worlds most expensive brands, like Louis Vuitton, Cartier or Swarovski, have their stores located at this street.

There is a lot more that can be explored in Vienna: the Ring (a street around the first district; a lot of beautiful buildings are located there), Wiener Schnitzel (fried calf; one of our national dishes), Park Schönbrunn (the most beautiful park in the world), ....

If you ever visit Vienna, make sure to hit me up. I can give you some useful tips on what you should do in Vienna.

Here are more pictures of our awesome city:








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