The Train from Inlay Lake to Kalaw in Myanmar 2010

Hiking down to the lake we did cross the rails at the 1st day. Thinking the train takes that route up to Kalaw I decided to take it.

Train to Kalaw

That includes getting up when the monks collect food in the very early morning. I went out of the hotel and a taxi dropped 2 guys at the hotel. Good - I took it to the train station. Saves the walk to the Tuck Tuck station, a cold ride in the open car, changing to another Tuck Tuck at the junction - and best of all - I have a lot of space instead of way to less.
The car was an old English model build in 1960. Had a 6 in a line that sucked too much gas so they put a Toyota diesel in it and while doing so replaced the whole cockpit with the one from the Toyota as well.
Nice ride - short distance and only flat - other than that this would be a nightmare, mind you, at 6 in the morning.

Train to Kalaw

At the station I learned that the train is at 9 - WTF??? I was way to early. So I did search a spot in the warm rays of the rising sun and read. And waited and read some more and waited even more.
Later I could get the ticket. This takes ages as they have to write down your whole passport for what ever reason. And than the old "I do not like this dollar note cause it was folded" game started.
After that it was more waiting as the train is never on time. So lets inspect the other one.

Train to Kalaw

Train to Kalaw
This looks good - yellow plastic on top and the red down - like the manual said!

Train to Kalaw
Fresh cleaned

Train to Kalaw
The train restaurant in place - ready to go!

Train to Kalaw

After more than 90 minutes delay the train started the rails up to Kalaw - only to stop at every bamboo house on the way. At the stations you get all sorts of food.

Train to Kalaw
You do not even have to leave your seat. They walk the train and are happy to serve you!

Train to Kalaw

At noon we had a lunch break - like it was a bus! 45 minutes - so everybody can get something to eat. The train was inspected and here and there they fixed something. The guys on the roof check how much diesel is left.

Train to Kalaw

Only 2 and 1/2 hours later as scheduled we arrived finally in Kalaw. 4 more hours till my bus leaves for Mandalay. Enough time for a tea and then a cold Tiger. After this train ride I shall never take the train in Myanmar again. Looks like I did not remember the ride a few years ago...

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