Thando the Scienceguy goes Marion Island bird censusing

Hi fellow Steemians,

I'm back!

During the month of August we went around the whole of Marion Island (which I described in my first post here) to census three different bird species, the Crozet Shag, the lesser sheathbill and active Gentoo penguin nests.

Crozet Shags

A Crozet Shag following its braver friend

Good exercise

During the round the island we walked the whole 72 km of coast line so to not miss any bird colonies. This took us a week to complete since the island is not easy to walk on.

Thando hiking

That's me!

Thando hiking

As you can see, it's not easy terrain for hiking

What's not to love about these birds?

Crozet Shags

Crozet Shags

Crozet Shags

More Crozet Shags on the rocks (please don't say that sounds like a drink).

Lesser sheathbill

A lesser sheathbill

Lesser sheathbills

More lesser sheathbills

Gentoo penguins

Gentoo penguins - one on eggs

Our plan for September

On our next tour around the island in September we will continue to monitor the Crozet Shags and the brooded and guarded chicks of Gentoo penguins, also adding a few more bird species for census. I look forward to showing you more about these fascinating birds as our work continues.

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Acknowledgments and disclaimer

All photos taken by Paige Potter.

Cool South African Steemit logo courtesy of @alainite.

Text and photos transmitted by Facebook Messenger to @kiligirl for conversion to a post. If any mistakes were inadvertently introduced it's entirely her doing 😉. Mild apologies due to Monty Python for the weak misuse of the rhythm of the title of their seminal work, "Ethel the Aardvark Goes Quantity Surveying".

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