Blog Zone #2 - A Life of Work and Fun! #2

To travel is a bliss. Especially when the job you do whilst cruising lets you explore the port that you stopped in.
We were in Brazil, as I mentioned in my first post, and the first location we stopped in was a place called Icoaraci Bellem, Brazil. It was the first time I touched ground in South America back in 2012. I'm telling you the port wasn't anything spectacular but it was interesting to see the different culture and how people lived here. The heat was unreal, I've never felt such humidity in any place I've been before, I loved it! It was cloudy at first with light rain but still super warm, after all we were very near the Equator.

Together with some of my collegues we decided that it was time for a drink. And hey, what's better then trying the local beer, and so we did.

I was always in contact with my parents and trying to keep them updated about the amazing journey that I was experiencing. But on a ship you have no phone signal and the internet is either too expensive or not working at all so with so many sea days gone by before reaching Brazil, I decided to contact them whilst on land. But little did I know the costs of a phone call when in another Continent :)) . I had a pre-paid sim card and i think 1 minute of conversation costed about 6 dollars back then, there was no wi-fi. You can even see my old phone on the table.

After a cool drink the sun came out and we started exploring the small city/town of Icoaraci. There wasn't much excitement to be honest, but the main street looked like an advertising disaster! I was snapping away as usual taking all the atmosphere in through my camera's lens.

The locals are very happy to see tourists, you always get the sense that they want to sell you something...and they always do. But for Icoaraci this wasn't the case. Brazilians are very friendly and helpful people.

It was time to go back to work and the tender boat was ready to take us back to the ship which was at anchorage.

The time spent in Icoaraci, Belem was surely memorable and a tale to tell. Being in a new Continent and experiencing the tropical weather for the first time was such a new thing for me which I'll never forget.
Hope you enjoyed my short life story. I'm looking forward to sharing more with a plethora of photographs attached.
I'll leave you with more visual satisfaction from Icoaraci Belem. Enjoy!

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