Koh Chang, Thailand. We finally arrived after a month of Sailing




After having sailed from Terengganu to the Perhentian Islands to spend the night there, we headed for Koh Chang, Thailand. We had spent many days at sea without proper sleep. In addition we experienced the usual engine problems, lucky we had sails to take us most of those miles all the way to our end destination. After arriving it was finally time to relax, eat Thai Cuisine and drink some beers.


Koh Chang is a beautiful island that is not heavily overrun with tourists. Apprantly there are amazing waterfalls which I have yet to discover. There are sailing yachts for charter, beautiful beaches and a lot of nature to explore.


For our first adventure, we decided to hike 2 hours to the magical beach of Wai Chaek. Most of the walk is along a tarred road that is falling apart, but would still be assessable by scooter.

For the last half an hour you find yourself on a dirt track, that goes through lush vegetation and massive coconut plantations. When in Rome, you have to get some nuts to quench your thirst and make your water last longer!


Photo Credit: Mike

Photo Credit: Mike

We set up camp on the beach under the shade of a coconut tree and enjoyed the nourishing isotonic drink provided by Mother Nature. Note the bamboo straw, which I made myself. Say no to the plastic straw every time you go out please!






While we were there a very skinny dog ,who clearly had puppies, came past. She looked really hungry so we gave her some of the more mature coconut water, which she gladly drank. Later that day we gave her half a coconut to eat, which she gladly accepted and trotted off with.



There was a speed boat with a bunch of tourists that came to the beach, they anchored on the small estuary. I could not help but get some shots of it in such an epic location. It surely would be spectacular to arrive at this beach by boat, but I still preferred hiking there to make it feel more like an adventure and to indulge in some coconut water.



If you happen to go to this beach, take everything that you need with you. There is no one selling water or food so you need to be self-sufficient.


Stay tuned for the next adventure coming soon! Time to go explore the island by bike.

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