Exploring the adventurous parts of Langkawi

A few weeks ago I was in Langkawi, Malaysia waiting to get on to a boat for a delivery. After being stuck without a scooter in the populated southern city of Kuah due to the influx of people for New Years, it was time to get out into nature.

The mission was to drive north to see if we could go up to the Sky Bridge, which apparently has some of the best viewpoints on the island. Due to a massive amount of tourists, we decided to avoid it.

We quickly looked for the next possible option in the area. The 7 wells waterfall was the closest, just a few minutes drive away. It was an easy walk up a couple of hundred stairs to get to them.


Long Tailed Mackacks owned the rubbish bins and threatened any human or fellow monkey who came near their gold mine of tasty treats. The only problem is that plastic was lying around everywhere, because the bins provided were not monkey proof. Quite ironic that there were posted signs indicating fines for littering..


The aerial view from the drone was amazing, needless to say I take my drone on almost every adventure if the forecasted wind speed is low.


After a bit of exploring around we settled for a hike in the mountains on the upper reaches of the waterfalls, and turned back when we ran out of water.


We came across a group of Dusky Leaf Monkeys, who were entertaining to watch and extremely beautiful.




On New Year’s Day we explored another section on the north side. Onroute I flew the drone on the east coast near the river estuary tours, which are lined by a few limestone outcrops.


After the heat started beating down on us we decided to have lunch at Scarborough, which is famous for its fish and chips. We drank some tigers and ate a great meal with sand between our toes.



After lunch we took a drive along road 161 and discovered the Temurun waterfall. The walk to the waterfall was only 5 minutes from the road, and easily accessible. The river was quite dry so there was not that much water, but it was still enchanting and beautiful!



We carried on heading west and drove as far as we could. We had noticed a blocked off road, which was near the golf course. Naturally, I could not help myself but drive down that way. The road had started to become overgrown with lush vegetation. We arrived at an amazing beach and I took my chance to get some more aerial shots!



If you ever find yourself in Langkawi and are an adventurous outdoor person, then make sure you go and explore the northern side of the island.

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