The "Dead man" Corner. Esquina del Muerto.

The " Dead Man” corner. Esquina El Muerto. Caracas, Venezuela.
This corner is located very close to downtown Caracas. It is said that its name backs to the Federal war time, where many soldiers wandered before they die. Some of the wandered badly injured around Caracas. And die is the dark. Nobody helped them because people were afraid of retaliation.
One of those days a crew of soldiers were gathering the dead bodies from the streets using a carriage. One of those dead bodies was not really dead. The soldier was injured but no dead, when he felt the crew members grab him and put him on the carriage he yielded “I am not dead, do not bury me”. This story was then passed mouth to mouth in the small city. And from that leyend on, the corner got its name. The “dead man” corner.
Currently, there is a very famous Spanish cuisine restaurant. It is a very good place to eat paellas. It was founded in 1947.
Come to Venezuela and visit this interesting place.

La esquina del Muerto. Ubicada muy cerca del casco central de Caracas. Se dice que su nombre data de la Guerra federal, cuando soldados mortalmente vagaban por la ciudad hasta morir en alguna esquina en la penumbra de la noche. Nadie los ayudaba por temor a las represalias.
Uno de esos dias, un grupo de soldados estaba recogiendo los cuerpos de las calles con una carreta. Cuando tomaron un cuerpo, este despertó gritando, “no estoy muerto, no me entierren”. Esta historia paso entonces de boca en boca por la pequeña ciudad de entonces. Desde esa leyenda en adelante la esquina tomo su nombre. Esquina del muerto. Actualmente, allí se ubica un Famoso restaurant donde se puede comer una buena paella.
Venga a Venezuela y visite este lugar interesante.

Picture/Foto Efren Hernandez

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