Time well spent

Loving Belgium, and the main reason that brought me here hasn't even started yet!

More awesome than meeting new places, is doing it while meeting old friends, and making new ones. And if yesterday I already had a taste of these experiences, the next days will take it to another level for sure.

While that doesn't happen, all the free time is being well spent in knowing the city where I'll be staying these next days, and the nearby cities as well.

We're so lucky here in Europe, since a lot of little cities like these are filled with ancient buildings that easily take you back in time. Cozy places, where you get the sensation that just short walks away, you'll stumble into yet another fascinating building, or a funny detail.

Ghent and Brugge are two of them, and I do want to do proper posts about both of them. I'm in awe! I even found a beer I can say I like a lot!

I don't know if the beer purists will say this doesn't count, but they told me it's a typical one. The difference? It has a fruity taste, and it taste like cherries! It's a must try! And since I enjoyed it so much, I'll probably try the more normal beers, and see how I fare.

We do find a ton of tourism, especially in Brugge. Yep, seems my country is not the only one affected with hoards of tourists and excursions. I confess I prefer way less crowds. But then again, can totally understand why they come.

Beautiful buildings, mouth-watering chocolate and gauffres and friendly locals; we can't ask for much more, can we?

I won't have that much time for sightseeing these coming days, but all the learning will certainly make up for it. Besides, there are some social events ready... so I might be surprised!

Travelling and learning seems time well spent, right? 😉

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