
Africa is said to be the cradle of human history and the origin of the black race it is the second-largest and second most populous continent in the world.

It account for about 16% of the world’s population with about 30.03 million km2 (11.7 million square miles) including adjacent island, it covers 6% of the earth total surface area and 20.4% of its total land area.
Africa is a host to large diversity of ethnicity, cultures and languages and contains about 54 fully recognized countries.

When it comes to tourist and adventure Africa is not left out as there are endless of possibilities for tourist and adventurers to visit and behold, you can purchase crafts in markets, venture into Sahara with a tuareg caravan, visit baAka (pygmy) villages, hike through jungle to watch gorillas, relax on tropical islands in Indian ocean, paddle down the river in a dugout, snack on exotic treats, travel across savanna on a colonial among others,

however today we shall be looking at some of the interesting and amazing site in African which have stand as a center for tourist attraction. So enjoy the list


Victoria Fall is a waterfall located in southern Africa on the Zambezi River at the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe.
It was first visited by a Scottish missionary and explorer, David Livingstone in the year 1855, from what is now known as Livingstone Island.


Livingstone named his discovery in honor of queen Victoria of Britain (Victoria fall) but it native African name is much more expressive, Mosi-oa-tunya, the “the smoke that thunders”. Is a reference to the immense spray and rumbling that the falls generate with a width of 1,700 meters and a depth of 108 meter, the falls are twice the height of Niagara falls and they are surrounded by the Savannah with full of lions, rhinos, and hippos, this led Victoria fall to be described as one of the seven natural wonders of the world by CNN.


Lake Malawi was also another discovery of Dr David Livingstone a missionary explorer 150 years ago.
David Livingston named Lake Malawi “the lake of stars” this of course is for a good reason.
In the day the light dance across the deep blue water and once the sunset the stars twinkle brightly both in the sky but also on the lake as the fishermen light up their hurricane lamps for their night on the lake.

Lake Malawi is located between Malawi, Mozambique and Tanzania it is referred to as Lake NYASA meaning (lake) in Tanzania and LAGO NIASSA in Mozambique.
.Is the third largest lake in Africa and the ninth largest in the world with approximate dimensions of 365 miles north to south and 52 mile broad hence the nickname “the calendar lake”.

The lake is about 2300 ft/700 m deep in the north, plunging well below sea level this is proof of the enormity of the natural faulting on the Great Rift Valley, which is the origin of the lake.


The shores of the lake vary in width over 25km (16 miles) as the edge of the rift valley rises sleepy in places and more gently in theirs.
One of the beautiful things about Lake Malawi is that it is Meronictic Lake, meaning that its water layers do not mix. The permanent stratification of Lake Malawi water and the exic-anoxic boundary are maintained by moderately small chemical and thermal gradients.

Lake Malawi is fed by 14 perennial rivers, the largest being the Ruhuhu and its only outlet is the shire river, a tributary of the Zambezi. Although totally landlocked, Malawi can boast about Lake Malawi. This vast body of freshwater, fringed by beaches of gold sand is scenic and also a water sport haven for those looking for something more than just sun, sand and swimming.
Lake Malawi has thousands of species of fish in it blueness this include cichlids, Malawi eye bitters, red zebras and many more. Its rich fish harvest plays an important part in the country economy.
Fishing villages are scattered along the lake’s shore and the traditional industry and practices attract visitors. Access to the lake is possible along much of its length but it is usually necessary to take a shot detour off the main roads to reach the beach.



If you are a tourist or a film maker looking for the next location for your movies production then you might have just consider visiting this awesome place.
The Sahara stretches from Egypt in the east all the way across North Africa to morocco in the west. It is the largest hot desert and the third largest desert in the world after Antarctica and artic with area of 9,200,000 square kilometer amounting to 31% of Africa it is comparable to the area of china and United States of America really big
NB it is also the most spectacular and romantic in morocco close to the border with Algeria.

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Sometimes we disregard how extraordinary the pyramid of Giza are as a result of images of them in common places.
The great pyramid of Giza which is also known as the pyramid of Cheops is the oldest and largest of the three in the Giza pyramid complex bordering what is now El Giza, it is the oldest of the seven wonders of the world and the only one to remain largely intact till date.

the world and the only one to remain largely intact till date.
The maintained the status quo of the tallest man made structure in the world for over 3,800 years unsurpassed until 160-meter tall (520fit) spire of Lincoln cathedral was completed 13000, the pyramid however is built to house the dead phoraohs and all the items they would require to rule afterlife .



You must have probably heard of sossusvlei or often seen it in movies,
It is located in the southern part of the Namib Desert in the Namib-Mnankluft national park of Namibia.
Sossusvlei is often surrounded with other neighboring VLEIS such as DEADVLEI and other tunes, this is one of the major attractions for visitors. It is a region of dry lake, orange and clay pan, and red sand dunes.

The name “Sossusvlei” is a combination of Afrikaans word Vlei which means “mash” and SOSSUS is “NEMA” meaning no-return
The area has a remarkably spare, clean, beautiful, dead acacia trees, the deep blue of the sky and the shifting, burnished red of the sands make for a stunning vision.



Table Mountain appears over cap town South Africa at the southern part of the continent at the cape town of good hope. Along with the peak of signal hill, devils peak and lions head.
It is a significant tourist attraction with lots of visitors using the cable way or hiking to the top, the mountain forms part of the table mountain national park.


The mountain is home to a large array of fauna and flora most which is endemic it also forms a huge natural Amphitheatre in which the Dutch settlers of the 17th century first established what would become cape town. It is characterized with top well and over a thousand meters above sea level at its highest point at maulers beacon
Table Mountain is often obscured by clouds from ground level.



The first European to set eyes on this mountain was Henry Morton Stanley in 1889. It was previously
called Rwenzori range and later changed to Rewenzori Mountain in the 1980 to conform more closely with the local name is a mountain range of eastern equatorial Africa.

The Ruwenzori Mountains are found in the western Uganda and part of the democratic republic of Congo, these mountains are supports to glaciers and other sources of river Nile,

The Rwenzori Mountains are known for their vegetation, ranging from tropical rainforest through Alphine meadows to snow. The range aid its own species and varieties of giant groundsel and giant lobelia and even has a 6meter tall heather covered with moss that lives on one of it peaks. most of the range is now world heritage site and is covered jointly by the Rwenzori mountains national park in south-western Uganda and the Virunga national park in the eastern DRC.

it is undoubtedly that Africa is highly blessed with beautiful and archaeological site to behold so when thinking of making your next trip consider visiting this places in Africa, i bet you wont regret it.

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