What I have learned from the Thai culture

Good day steemians, I -like many others- am getting addicted to steemit! And this is only my third post haha! I hope you'll enjoy my story!


When I sat in the plane to Thailand for the first time, I thought I knew what it would be like. But it was far more than seeing beautiful nature, eating pad thai and drinking in a bar far away from 'home', like I see many travelers do.

The Thai culture is so so beautiful, and I am very lucky to be in a position to call this my new home.

Looking back, I have learned a few things from the Thai people I really needed in life.

1. Respect

a bow

It is very unlikely in Thailand to walk around on a busy market, while somebody bumpes into you and the person doesn't say sorry and show through their body language they are actually sorry(like lowering the torso and head).

Thai people are very aware of the people around them and most of the time make sure they do not disturb your personal space. This is done in very sublte ways like, not shouting to one another, making space for someone if needed, avoiding physical contact with a stranger and dressing properly for the location

2. Caring for eachother


There are still a lot of local communities in Thailand, even in a gigantic city like Bangkok.

Those communities are most of the time families living together in the same conditions. They work together to maintain their neighbourhood, take care of each other's children and support each other's businesses.

I think this is one of the main things I missed the most in The Netherlands -togetherness-.

Although it's really hard to become a part of such communities -You can feel like a Thai, but for them you'll always be a farang(foreigner)- it is beautiful to even be around such people and to see how they live.

3. Being thankful


When I sit in a bar and have a conversation with people from western countries travelling through Thailand, 50% of the time they tell me how they think it's sad that some Thai live in poor living conditions. I do agree to an extent with this opinion and understand where the thoughts are coming from, but there is more to life than a big luxurious house.

Most western people unconsciously still see being rich as having many zero's in their bank account, living in a big house and having a lot of products they don't actually need.

Unlike in the country I came from, here I see people with not a lot of money smile and laugh so much. They are thankful for they have. Eating delicious food, having family and friends, beautiful nature around and being free. Seriously, what do you need more? If you expect too much from life, you'll only be disappointed afterwards.

Thailand is a buddhist country and you can see the effect on the people. But you'll only see it if you want to see it.

4. Freedom


What I hated when I was still living in Holland, is I wasn't allowed to do anything. People are treated like babies there, who can't take care of themselves. Just let me live my life and let me make my mistakes.

Many people say Thailand is a quite dangerous country. They drive like crazy and carry guns for example.

Yes, the statement is completely true and I LOVE IT!

Why would a person give up freedom for security? Don't people want to be alive or something? I just don't understand... You can have as many rules as you want, but the rules will never give you guarantee that everything goes perfectly planned.

I love the fact that I learned to drive a motorcycle in Thailand, because I know for sure I would not been able to do that if I stayed in Holland. Driving without a helmet at 120 km/h is amazing- and dangerous, I know. Amazing right? :-)

I think it's beautiful to see boys at the age of approximately 14 do a wheelie with the motorcycle on a busy high road. I would never do that, but the fact that they can without anyone bothering them, makes me so happy.

Thai can put a table in front of their house and sell whatever they want. From ice coffee to wooden furniture. No license needed.

I could give many more examples, but hopefully you get my point.

If you act like a decent human being -Thai or foreigner- you can basicallly do anything you want. Maybe the Thai a little more, but I think they deserve it as this is their country.

5. Don't show too much physical affection publicly


Maybe in big cities like Bangkok or party islands, a lot of people are kissing and cuddling publicly, but where I live it never occurs. Not even in clubs etc.

I was never a person to do this, because I think it can be very annoying and disrespectful to some.

I lived in amsterdam. I went out a lot quite some time and noticed the vague obsession of people to constantly show how far they could go with their sexual behaviour towards each other. Not only is it awkward to sit next to a couple which is smooching like crazy, there seems to be no boundary for some.

Maybe I'm just old-fashioned, but I think keeping some things private is better for everybody. Luckely, for the people who really do need to show off this behaviour, there are places like pattaya.

6. Smile!


Last but not least! SMILE!

It is so nice to smile to somebody and get one back. If you ever come to Thailand, you will not be able to avoid the smiles.

Be happy, do not take life too seriously. Also don't take yourself too seriously!

When there is no hope anymore, your smile is the only weapon!

Thank you for reading!

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