Hello everyone,

Anyone spent the last few days getting splashed like I did? If so, you must be in Thailand! For those who don't know what I am talking about, let me tell you about Songkran festival or Water Festival/Fights.

This is what I was mostly doing for the past 3 days, having water fights and partying haha

April is the hottest month in Thailand and it happens to be within the days we celebrate Thai new years. On April 12th-15th of every year, Thai people usually go back to their hometown to visit and spend time with their families. They would also go to temples to make merit and participate in water fights as a way to wash out all the bad things in the past year and to walk into the new year with happiness and smiles.

Here are some pictures from a few days ago. I didn't take as many putters as I wished because I didn't want my phone to get wet but here are a few!

Me feeling ready for the water fights standing in the middle of the intersection between 2 concerts across from each other. Crazy!


Got splashed so much by random people and and was heavily sprayed by a hose. Made me feel like I was a tree haha


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