Mystical Jebel Shams in Oman

Oman is one of the most beautiful country to visit. Two years back we never had this place on our list to visit but then we shifted here for work and hence got a chance to explore this place.

Oman has Sea, Mountains, Desert, Greenery and all that yoo would wish to see in the nature.
Its not a very jazzy place unlike Dubai. Its a very calm and peaceful place and so are the people.

Over one of the weekend we made a visit to Jebel Shams which we had most heard of.
Jebel is an Arabic word for range of mountains.
Jebel Shams also known as Mountain of Sun is one of the highest mountain of Oman and is specially famous for the view it offers.

Like 50 shades of grey this place also has different shades of all that you can think of nature holds wirhin itself. We started our journey down from Muscat city which had a good howling temperature of 40 degree C and by the time we reached the top we were in a pleasant 25 degree C and the icing on the cake was the rains which you can only dream of in the downtown city area

I will say this place is a Jewel in the Crown for Oman. Our resort "The View" had to offer us the most breadth taking view. There were pods which were located right at the footfall of small hills with the balconies opening up to the dreamy world of Oman.
While you do not see much greenery around but still the place has the softness and makes you feel warm and comfortable.
Since it was raining during our visit and I enjoy rains this place looked like heaven. Rain drops trickling and the serenity all around gives you moments of sheer bliss and joy.

All I wanted to then see was a Rainbow which was a bit greedy on my part :-)

I truly exoress my gratitude to mother earth and Universr for these wonderous gifts she has to offer and I recommend anyone travelling to Oman , this place should not be missed.



Image Source: My own FB Pictures

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