Not all who wander are lost

I bet our ride into work is cooler than yours… okay this isn’t our ride into work but wouldn’t that be awesome? Lol

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This picture was from our trip to Finland a few years ago. We got to go dog sledding, reindeer sledding, see the northern lights and stay in a cute little cottage :) Luckily the cottage had heat or else we would have frozen our asses off because it was so cold!



I got to eat bear also (it was meh, not worth the price)!


The entire trip was amazing and we miss traveling and living in Europe. We would love to move back and live the rest of our lives there but sadly our career fields don’t pay as much overseas as in America.


We are planning on taking an international trip this March but still trying to figure out where to go. If you have any recommendations please let us know and why we should go there! Maybe Poland🧐 I know @Blewitt got to visit there and he seemed to have enjoyed it! Idk so please give y’all’s opinions!

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